Happy birthday, Sister April,
Simple hello causes much mirth;
Sweet smile brings a thousand thrill,
Giving gladness to life on earth.
E-ndue gifts on your birthday,
D-onating a thousand thrill;
E-ndow you with warmth,
L-etting you enjoy at will.
G-iving an alibi or reason
R-esults to another miscue;
E-xcuses are just flimsy,
T-hey have little worth or value.
J-ust think not of giving up,
E-ven though it's difficult;
S-tay focused and firm,
S-tand strong against
G-iving glory to God
I-s our utmost divine duty;
L-earn to praise His name,
M-aking us all become worthy.
J-ust let the rain pass by,
O-ne cold chill is over;
A-nother dawn has broken,
N-ew day is here to remember.