George Lyttelton

George Lyttelton Poems

WHEN Delia on the plain appears,
Awed by a thousand tender fears
I would approach, but dare not move:
Tell me, my heart, if this be love?

George Lyttelton Biography

George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton PC (17 January 1709 – 24 August 1773), known as Sir George Lyttelton, Bt between 1751 and 1756, was a British politician and statesman and a patron of the arts.)

The Best Poem Of George Lyttelton

Tell Me, My Heart, If This Be Love

WHEN Delia on the plain appears,
Awed by a thousand tender fears
I would approach, but dare not move:
Tell me, my heart, if this be love?

Whene'er she speaks, my ravish'd ear
No other voice than hers can hear,
No other wit but hers approve:
Tell me, my heart, if this be love?

If she some other youth commend,
Though I was once his fondest friend,
His instant enemy I prove:
Tell me, my heart, if this be love?

When she is absent, I no more
Delight in all that pleased before—
The clearest spring, or shadiest grove:
Tell me, my heart, if this be love?

When fond of power, of beauty vain,
Her nets she spread for every swain,
I strove to hate, but vainly strove:
Tell me, my heart, if this be love?

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