Galina Italyanskaya Comments

Daniel Brick 23 November 2014

I find this poem very moving, but my first comment got that WRONG CODE messge which is maddening. I'm trying again. I hope I can recapture my initial enthusiasm ... This is an almost impossible situation. A friend who has lost all hope is suicidal, but NOW death itself seems welcoming to him/her. The wrong move even from a friend could send him/her over the edge. I think your rescue attempt is perfectly pitched. You don't imply any critivism of them but also don't add a jot to their self-pity. You don't say I KNOW JUST HOW YOU FEEL. Instead you acknowledge their pain as real. The key line for me was when you say YOU WANNA BE FREE. When I read that, I saw the door of the world reopen for me and invite me back in. That's exactly the promise that will make sense to a suicidal person. It seems to give them control of their fate. Instead of seeking freedom in death, this person can now grasp it in living. That's my hope for them. This is a persuasive poem.

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