Invisible and yet so real,
My gentle breezy friend;
I always know you are passing by,
When the trees nod their heads.
I was bought with money
I am the property of my master
He determines the course of my life
He subjects me to mindless drudgery
A husband
who loved his wife dearly.
A father
A horde of bloodthirsty herdsmen-
Are on the loose on their satanic expedition;
Ferocious, violent and bloodthirsty killer brigade,
Whom unimaginable cruelty is their stock-in-trade;
What went wrong?
That you now sing a different song?
For life we promised to ride this horse
Our oath was for better for worse
We met, we slept and we had fun
I wanted you to stay, but you opted to run
I will not resort to self-pity and regret
Negative emotions are not for me to create.
My smile is my charm
It makes raging nerves calm
It can quell the fiercest anger
And subdue an unfriendly stranger.
We are all captives of this book,
This addictive called facebook.
We are fellow inmates within its walls,
We are all prisoners, we are Zucker's thralls.
Don't tell me love
Show me love
When love is verbalized I hear it
When it is acted I feel it
You are the diamond in my sky
The bright smile that illuminates my world
The reason I work with my shoulders high
A friend that gives me a reason to be glad.