There is some unmistakable magic to be found here. Plain spoken but still full of artifice. Honesty and imagination doing a duet. Some of the flesh has been peeled back inviting you to dip your fingers in, to taste. A certain sacrilege, a certain holy ascendancy. A train wreck you can't keep from staring at. I don't know who Frank is, but I think I may learned something about myself. A shady place to rest next to gently lapping waves while bodies are gently floated out to sea.
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There is some unmistakable magic to be found here. Plain spoken but still full of artifice. Honesty and imagination doing a duet. Some of the flesh has been peeled back inviting you to dip your fingers in, to taste. A certain sacrilege, a certain holy ascendancy. A train wreck you can't keep from staring at. I don't know who Frank is, but I think I may learned something about myself. A shady place to rest next to gently lapping waves while bodies are gently floated out to sea.