Fallen Angel Poems

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The Tale Of An Angel

you broke my wings-i cannot fly
my heart now shattered-my hopes were high
bloodstained feathers scattered all around
torn and bloodied i am in pieces on the ground

The Unseen

i saw a dirty blur on the street
hungry stomach, dirty feet
filthy skin, cold hard eyes
grubby hands, pain inside

Until The End Of Time

A woman stands on silver rocks
she gazes out onto the scene
sun shining on her golden locks
her frame is tall, thin and lean


multicolored fish
watch the world eating cereal
at home
sLeeping flowers


i am the fear in your eyes
i am the truth in your lies
i am the thoughts for the mindless
i am the hate in your kindness

Just Sleep

I can't go to sleep
Because I'm afraid to dream
Because my dreams
Turn into nightmares

The Fight Of The Sun

as the Sun rises and battles the
last remaining tendrils of the
darkness, and the light vanquishes
the remainders of night, we sit

Beyond Something We Know

Beyond the mist of time
Beyond this veil of tears
Beyond earthly things so fine
Beyond these hopes or fears

Another Love Poem

Love is like a bird-
you catch it only to watch it fly away
you stand and remember without a word

I Will Wait Forever...

you had my heart in the palm of your hand
your hazel eyes sucked me in like quicksand
i trusted you with my deepest secrets
and all i got were deepest regrets

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