Erin Cowart

Erin Cowart Poems

I cannot fight the dead
Or those that want to die

I cannot will you to life

In this new world let us not talk of order
Let us talk of peace
Order is the ugly step-child of peace
Used when humanity refuses to be peaceful

Just because it has always been does not mean it should always be
The institutions have failed the madmen
We must fight for our right to be free

Being a good person will take you far
Like one wheeled bicycles and dead battery cars

If you do your best things will turn out fine

Falling in love is easy
We don't even have to try
Do you try to fall from a branch
Try to make your hair fall out

A bird sings outside my window
I listen to her song
Of creation

Lover of mine
In this lifetime we cannot seem to get it right

Maybe a hundred years ago you loved me

We do not know how to let love go

We hold it, claw at it
Try to twist it to fit our hands

Beware the people who tell you that you are not enough
Not skinny enough
Not pretty enough
Not feminine enough

I am a soul to whom the universe sings
Morning and night
Every sight and sound
Begging for release

One day you will be driving
75 miles an hour towards Cedar Key
And Prince will be blasting on the radio
And you will realize that it is quite possibly heaven

The was some grass
There was a field
There was a tree
And then there was me

I find it strange to be sitting
In the restaurant with you
Where last night you sat with another

Pay attention to the silence
The pause right before words are spoken
The future exists in that holy space

Here is how we start
Breathe in and then out
Eyes open, then close, then open again
Place your feet on the floor

Did you ever need to just be held
Gently, like a baby bird or fragile leaf
That when touched harshly
Crumbles to dust in the hand

I was done
Packed my bags
Ran from the grasp
Of Liars and Cons

I have been treading the water of the universe
For 15,845 days
Head slightly above the water
Arms and legs in a frantic dance for survival

We harnessed the power of the sun
Created cells and life from nothing
Cloned and duplicated
The work of the Gods

Some may say
Look on the bright side
Life is not all doom and gloom
There is beauty to be seen and appreciated

Erin Cowart Biography

Lover, poet, mother, finder of hopes, dreams and lost keys. I live in Northeast Florida with my husband, eight children and various pets. I studied legal assisting and history in college, but never felt them to be my calling as they are pretty bland. After wandering down many paths in life I have finally found my way back to poetry and look forward to sharing my gift.)

The Best Poem Of Erin Cowart

On My Suicidal Husband

I cannot fight the dead
Or those that want to die

I cannot will you to life
Or happiness

And I have no desire to be
The keeper of your fate

That I lay squarely at your feet

Choose to go or choose to stay

Life is a dance to be lived
But only by those who hear the music

Dance lover dance

And when the music fades
Take your exit as you please

For I cannot fight the dead
Or those that want to die

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