Edwin Arnold

Edwin Arnold Poems

Somewhere there waiteth in this world of ours
For one lone soul another lonely soul
Each choosing each through all the weary hours

Blossom of the almond trees,
April's gift to April's bees,
Birthday ornament of Spring,

He who died at Azan sends
This to comfort all his friends:

A weary waste of blank and barren land,
A lonely, lonely sea of shifting sand,
A golden furnace gleaming overhead,

In which calm home of happy life and love
Ligged our Lord Buddha, knowing not of woe,
Nor want, nor pain, nor plague, nor age, nor death,

Once - and only once - you gave
One rich gift, which Memory
Shuts within itself, to save
Sweet and fresh, while life may be:

Beautiful silver-winged spirits of good,
That hide in the leaves of the loneliest wood;
Green-kirtled fairies whom none may see

Thenceforth alone the long-armed monarch strode,
Not looking back,--nay, not for Bhima's sake,--But
walking with his face set for the mount;

Pleasanter than the hills of Thessaly,
Nearer and dearer to the poet's heart
Than the blue ripple belting Salamis,

Our name should be a name for hope to utter,
A watchword for the chosen of the land;
A bloodless nation-flag, beneath whose flutter

This reverence
Lord Buddha kept to all his schoolmasters,
Albeit beyond their learning taught; in speech

Upon Earth's lap there lay a pleasant land,
With mountain, wood, and river beautified,
And city-dotted. For the pleasant land

There was fear and desolation over swarthy Egypt's land,
From the holy city of the sun to hot Syenè's sand;

Alas! alas! and is it sin to love thee as I love,
To hold thee in this heart of mine, all other thoughts above?


I do remember well at Kilcrea
The castle, and the friary, and bridge;
And I remember better how I sat

Ah! not to love is sad and hard,
And yet to love is heavy pain;
But harder, heavier it is,

If sound or strain in any lay of mine
Not all unwelcome or unworthy be-
If any pleasant measure lead the line,

Rapt she stood!
Beautiful-but so very,-very still,
That but for some light quivering of her lip,
And the quick tremble of her lifted eye,

A long blue stain upon a belt of gold,
A rim of earth against the sinking sun,
A shadow that doth fade, and fade, and fade

A memory of the past hath wondrous power
To gild the present, and to throw a veil
Of rare enchantment o'er the spot it haunts,

Edwin Arnold Biography

Sir Edwin Arnold (10 June 1832 – 24 March 1904) was an English poet and journalist, who is most known for his work, The Light of Asia Arnold was born at Gravesend, Kent, the second son of a Sussex magistrate, Robert Coles Arnold. One of his six children was the novelist Edwin Lester Arnold. He was educated at King's School, Rochester; King's College London; and University College, Oxford, where he won the Newdigate prize for poetry in 1852. He became a schoolmaster, at King Edward's School, Birmingham, and in 1856 went to India as principal of the Government Sanskrit College at Poona, a post which he held for seven years, which includes a period during the mutiny of 1857, when he was able to render services for which he was publicly thanked by Lord Elphinstone in the Bombay council. Here he received the bias towards, and gathered material for, his future works. Returning to England in 1861 he worked as a journalist on the staff of the Daily Telegraph, a newspaper with which he continued to be associated as editor for more than forty years, and later became its editor-in-chief . It was he who, on behalf of the proprietors of the Daily Telegraph in conjunction with the New York Herald, arranged the journey of H.M. Stanley to Africa to discover the course of the Congo River, and Stanley named after him a mountain to the north-east of Albert Edward Nyanza. Arnold must also be credited with the first idea of a great trunk line traversing the entire African continent, for in 1874 he first employed the phrase "Cape to Cairo railway" subsequently popularized by Cecil Rhodes. It was, however, as a poet that he was best known to his contemporaries. The literary task which he set before him was the interpretation in English verse of the life and philosophy of the East. His chief work with this object is The Light of Asia which was translated in various languages like Hindi (tr. by Acharya Ram Chandra Shukla). It appeared in 1879 and was an immediate success, going through numerous editions in England and America, though its permanent place in literature must remain very uncertain. It is an Indian epic, dealing with the life and teaching of the Buddha, which are unfolded with ample local color and comely prosody. The poem contains many lines of unquestionable beauty; and its immediate popularity was rather increased than diminished by the twofold criticism to which it was subjected. On the one hand it was held by Oriental scholars to give false impression of Buddhist doctrine; while, on the other, suggested analogy between Sakyamuni and Jesus offended the taste of some devout Christians. The latter criticism probably suggested to Arnold the idea of attempting a second narrative poem of which the central figure should be Jesus, the founder of Christianity, as the founder of Buddhism had been that of the first. But though The Light of the World (1891), in which this took shape, had considerable poetic merit, it lacked the novelty of theme and setting which had given the earlier poem much of its attractiveness; and it failed to repeat the success gained by The Light of Asia. Arnold's other principal volumes of poetry were Indian Song of Songs (1875), Pearls of the Faith (1883), The Song Celestial (1885), With Sadi in the Garden (1888), Tiphar's Wife (1892) and Adzuma or, The Japanese Wife (1893). Sir Edwin was married three times. His first wife was Katherine Elizabeth Biddulph of London who died in 1864. Next he married Jennie Channing of Boston who died in 1889. In his later years Arnold resided for some time in Japan, and his third wife, Tama Kurokawa, was Japanese. In Seas and Lands (1891) and Japonica (1892) he gives an interesting study of Japanese life. He received the CSI on the occasion of the proclamation of Queen Victoria as Empress of India in 1877, and in 1888 was created CIE He also possessed decorations conferred by the rulers of Japan, Persia, Turkey and Siam.)

The Best Poem Of Edwin Arnold


Somewhere there waiteth in this world of ours
For one lone soul another lonely soul
Each choosing each through all the weary hours
And meeting strangely at one sudden goal.
Then blend they, like green leaves with golden flowers,
Into one beautiful and perfect whole;
And life's long night is ended, and the way
Lies open onward to eternal day.

Edwin Arnold Comments

Laao Heing 11 August 2018

Very good and splendid interestingly!

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