DM W Poems

May I never cease to wonder:
At the cascading crystal blue waters
Of the waterfall; at each new dawn's
Sweet sunbursts of flesh pink magic.

Winter's last rose; rose of regret:
O how once your radiant beauty
Shimmered in summer's potent hour.
Now your faded petals offer,

These days, everyone seems distracted by their
Portable universes; their cool, handheld phones.
Nobody seems inclined to engage or converse
With anyone else. O what a sad state of affairs!

O we poets are poor creatures:
Scratching around amidst life's ruins;
For Time's worn out, discarded details,
Like that famed scavenger: Rauschenberg.

These relics are odes to creation:
From planets to fragments of atoms.
Certain turning of the sun; crooked fork
Of the trees and their sprawling branches;

It's a tranquil night.
On the distant horizon,
I suddenly glimpse
A moonlit sailboat, slowly

On Bonfire Night, a thousand bright lights
Explode in November's autumnal skies:
Moon Shadow, Crackling Glitter, Comet Bomb;
Deadly Dragon, Pearl Shots and Flaming Sun;

I've heard the mindless mantras
Oft repeated & I'm not convinced:
'The guns provide us with protection!
The guns represent our freedom! '

O you were once wild and beautiful
When summer's rays reclined in your hair
And your Being blazed in valleys and hills.
O you were a force so vital and rare

The great artists pass through this life
Like stars of different seasons;
Like comets that span the centuries;
Like broken messiahs bloodied by doubt;

Great creations are not rushed. They possess
A quiet fruitfulness. In due course, they
Tend to fall like ripened apples from trees,
On a vivid autumn evening, that's blessed

These lilac flowers
Of pale violet are softened
By a veil of light.

Kynance Cove is such a sight to perceive!
It is like something that belongs in dreams;
With its white sand beach and its turquoise sea.
Its dark red and green serpentine rocks please

October grasses
Are silhouetted against
Deep orange and gold.

Rose leaves & water;
The pure light of morning;
Unspoken prayers.
I am now at peace with my

Media control is ubiquitous.
Like bacteria & beetles,
It breeds exponentially.
Images crack like whips

The verdant colours
And hues of young leaves. Spring Time's
Green is hope to me.

O they relaxed and sunned themselves at the beach,
While we stressed out about upcoming exams.
They walked hand in hand with lovers around parks,
While we contemplated Nietzsche and Kierkegaard.

DM W Biography

I have a wide range of academic and creative interests from English Lit., art, sociology and politics to comparative religions, psychology and philosophy. I like to think that the ideas I have absorbed from my inter - disciplinary research are reflected in my poetry.)

The Best Poem Of DM W

May I Never Cease To Wonder

May I never cease to wonder:
At the cascading crystal blue waters
Of the waterfall; at each new dawn's
Sweet sunbursts of flesh pink magic.
At the moonlight flashing in my mirror;
At the night's stars gently vibrating;
At the jellyfish swell of oceanic dreaming;
At the sheer joy of eternal becoming.

DM W Comments

Shaun Cronick 04 May 2020

Dominic Windram has already given poetry a legacy of finely written poems more valuable than gold. His poems radiate those rare and elusive qualities in poetry, absolute goodness and honest heart-felt clarity. Dominic gifts all with his wondrous and philosophical mind we find in each line and verse of his unique expression. A brilliant poet enchanter crafts engaging poems to leave us spellbound. Thank you Dominic.And I wish you the best this life and poetry has to offer.

15 0 Reply
Alexandro Johns 03 April 2020

Thanks for your comment Dominic.

14 0 Reply
Jeanne 04 December 2020

Cant find a bio for this guy.....great poems....anyone know more about him?

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Judith Blatherwick 07 June 2021

Welcome to my poems, may you learn how not to write.

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Judith Blatherwick 07 June 2021

I'm an outlier on this site. Why you ask? Because I was kicked off for being apremier troll.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 14 October 2021

A poet who is indifferent of others' stance. Truthful expression is the hallmark of his poetry! May God increase his tribe!

2 0 Reply
Dr Dillip K Swain 10 October 2021

Dominic Windram is prolific writer. His poetry is simple, lucid and beautiful. He is an unbiased soul. A wonderful gift to this august poetry site!

2 0 Reply
Brielle Kellems 04 October 2021

I must ask if 'winter's last rose' and 'my eternal rose' can be found in any published works. I'm writing a paper and they must be published to be included.

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Judith Blatherwick 07 June 2021

I cant rest cos I'm insane.

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Judith Blatherwick 07 June 2021

Shaun Cronick. Another of my weak pseudonyms.

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