David Kowalczyk lives and writes in Batavia, New York. He has taught English in Changwon, South Korea, and Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, as well as at several colleges in the United States, including Arizona State. His work has appeared in five anthologies and over fifty magazines, including California Quarterly, Bogg, Maryland Review, and St. Ann's Review. He was founding editor of Gentle Strength Quarterly. He has published three chapbooks.
Here, in the warm white fog,
our smiles contain miracles,
miracles only an ancient love
could ever manifest.
Touching them, you sense
that beauty within you shall
also someday bloom.
Spring. A great yellow stain.
Forsythias burst and daffodils explode.
Swallows hurry back from Mexico
and are bitten by
As a boy growing up
on a poultry farm, every
Saturday morning would find
me collecting carrion from the roadside: