Dakota Ellerton Biography

I've been writing since I was young. I started with little poems and expanded from there. With each new experience in life, I enjoy expressing it through my writing. I am inspired to write by the people in my life, the mysterious in the world, and the illusion of love. I am motivated by my strong emotions and opinions. It's our nature to learn, and experience, poetry is a beautiful way of expressing yourself. It's probably one of my favorite hobbies.

I hope to collect everything I've ever written, good and bad, into one big book. That way when I'm old and have nothing better to do with my time when bingo has been cancelled I can re-experience the thing's I've written about.

I DO have a blog, where you can see my writings a pictures.

http: //poeticdistortion.tumblr.com/

Dakota Ellerton Popular Poems
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