Maturity does not always come with age Some just grow old, have wrinkled skin.... //.... (It was written....) A poem full of worldly wisdom and universal appeal. Thanks.
Dr. Ronald Morris I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and demand it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on ( for the full details. Have a nice day, Dr. Ronald Morris,
Dear poetess, You have touched the bottom of my heart through your poems. I would love read ample of them. Thanks for sharing the poems.Would love to get your comments on my poems too. Wishing you best of moments. Regards. Subhas
sounds really great. you are showing your emotions nice. you will have great future in poetry. i invite you to read my poems. as a friendly look.
Very much cool and calm, religious and spiritual. I enjoy a different delicacy while reading poem of the Hon'ble Poetess. It takes me to a different world where I feel love and peace only. May God give her another diamond jubilee with pure sound health
Very enjoyable and often thought-provoking. Just got into this site tonight so I'll read more along the way.
Couldn't get through on your comments so i am writing here. 'spirits' Very nice piece Cynthia. You may find interesting, a set of three poems that I have written about this subject. The middle one being closer to what you have expressed here. If you are interested, it is called 'The Arrival Of The dark Ones...'. It is true what you say about the demons being subject to Jesus and He has given us power over them also. Solomon also used them for his own benefit without being harmed..another gift from God. Thankyou again for another lovely pen. Regards...Sharon.
I liked this one.I too have tried long distance but it never works and you are left feeling very lonely.: (beth.
Very good rthym and rhyme.Quite amusing.I liked it.Well written.beth.Liked the ending :) beth
that was very revealing.Heartbreak and just saying a simple goodbye to move on.Well written.beth
I liked this.Yes teens often look for a quick fix.The Lord is always there with open arms.Well said.beth
I liked this one the simplicity of a babies laughter.That brings us so much joy, Well written, beth
I like your views on animal rights.I enjoyed 3 poems and think you are a great rhymer.I add you to my friends list.Hope you do the same.Have a great day.beth Johnson,
Again I must reiterate because it has been a year and a half since I last visited the work of this great Filipino poet. Your poetry is exquisite, and the common man can find real nurturing and guidance by reading it.
I am sorry that you do not allow messages to be sent to you. I think you are a great and insightful poet. I recently read your poems on aldo kraas and I totally agree. I wrote him and told him so and he took a dim view of what I said. also calling you a few choice names. keep up the good work.
the 1st poet i found on poemhunter that actually knows rhymes........ finally some one i really can look up to...... would love to have you guide me on my path of enlightenment.......... thanks for sharing your bounty of poems on poemnhunter........
I died because of my views on vaccination.