Christian - a noble effort, especially the 'gentle gaze'. But let me get in before the ungodfearing poets on this site (poets are by profession loving cynics) get at you -faith, in itself, doesn't make generally acceptable poetry. But seen acting in your own experience, (especially in love and loving actions) , it can be turned into wonderful, widely appreciated, immortal poetry...keep the observation of faith acting and the expressions of faith separate, and you will meet the world on common ground. There is a place for the poetry of faith - but not I fear on a website like this. The 75% of US readers of and contributors to this site have often or have often had, unpleasant experiences of fundamentalism as children or adults... I hope this makes sense to you. And very best wishes in the combining of faith and poetry! Michael
It is clearly evident that you are on the road to writing good poetry with a strong christian background.keep writing, keeping your faith as strong as ever and soon you'll find that you have used your gift of poesy for a divine purpose as well.wish you good luck and God's abundant blessings as well. Dr John Celes