cheung shun sang

cheung shun sang Poems

The grand rocs are shadow flies.
A dinner is grand massive doors.

British warships…
Wasps and lynx are airy born.

Joining tasks with forces are ON.

Hide and seek are words in hiatus.
Diagrams in lights are faster dialogues.

YUNG KON is mob…
Dance attended are polices forces..
Fait will say but miss in forms.
YUNG KON is pets but teacher now.

Flower youth worth no names.
Many bucks are worth a penny.

Roue dogs are with cat fishes.
Top cats’ bonus is bones.

Umbrages took the waxing moons.
Silver moons will took the darken suns.
Upper views are down to run.

China feathers.
All broken are to all broken.
Empower the go on switching might.
Swaps are solids of evils to Gods.

Life-poem-by Cauchy3.
Some Christians give one for ten.
Hundred thousands buck are for sakes.
With jails rural capes beg.

Dirty pools have leaders’ names.
Graphic plots are do one tricks.

Swipe the chests and filch the worlds.
Teach the deer to fence by your plots.

Intellectualisms are weapons’ natures. There are seven or more inside information with China logos. There would be more but I do not know well. Some said that there are seven.

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British fleets…
Swift and sure are boats as fleets.
Soldiers’ powers all may teach.
Waters dived are swifts and sure.

Play the flies with spans to loves.
Take no loves but give us powers.

Joke to office laws.

Laws remittances are good to mangers.
Bosses works are arts of kings.

Cream boards.

Into oscillations are tumble cores.
Cream boards are not to take the good.

Lives and cauchy3….
Geomancy wills are dribble thrown.
Xavier-s Japan spins my crowns.
Anaglyph gets the reliefs in low.’

Full on powers all are deeds.
Warrant deeds are deal to spheres.
Warrant deeds are due to gifts.

Retrain anew..
Donald Jung is not Mc Donald boys.
Powers down to boys have strengths to govern.
Donald Jung has strengths.

The Best Poem Of cheung shun sang

.... A Jibe With Grand Doors-Cauchy3

The grand rocs are shadow flies.
A dinner is grand massive doors.
The massive doors set up lives.
To gibe are jeeps on paper dooms.

Smokes are sinking with stick to burn.
Metaphors are smiles but analogies are laws.
Each is beings and all are that could.
Weapons are phoenix but powers stand.

Play and point your lives on wars.
We flipped the ashes out of dust.
Obey cheerfully when all are asked.
Command wisely when lives are urged.

Whales are couch and tigers are paws.
Beds of roses are thrones with throngs.
Gross powers have profits margins.
Sales are bodies when clouds are formed.
-Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3-

cheung shun sang Comments

p.a. noushad 31 July 2009

true to the spirit of the age, beautiful poems.

3 1 Reply
Natalie Wienstein 14 March 2005

cheung shun sang, i think you you got that amazing soul that you suceed to put into your poems, that really able to frighten and shake. they reflect now, the way we (me at least) experience that NOW, cuts from reality put together. keep on writing!

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Poetry Hound 26 December 2004

I must admit that I have no idea what you're trying to convey in your poems. They seem like collections of random images. Sorry.

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Robert Rorabeck 24 November 2004

Cheung Shun Sang, you are a very interesting poet- id love to know the secret form of your ABC poems- many of them have excellent imagery- you're an original voice- you so rock!

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