Born in a poor Hindu family, at age fifteen i was forced into an arranged marriage, by age twenty two I had three children. I like to express my emtions and thoughts on paper and hope to write my life story and a book of poems someday. My inspiration comes from everyday life experiences. I am now a middle age CHRISTIAN and have a beautiful grandson who is the joy of my life.God has been good to me and He is my best friend.
There are those who care for you
There are those who care about you
There are those who care because of what they can get from you
There are those who say they care
Good Byes
When we leave our homes
When we talk on the phone
When we go on a trip
Tiny and sweet
Doe eyes and small feet
Long straight black hair
Aways likes the best to wear
When I was unable to walk
When I could'nt talk
When I am sad
When I am glad
He is ever so near
all my burdens He bear
He gives courage and dries my tears