chad fisher

chad fisher Poems

Lost poem...
Lost words...
Lost feeling..
Lost love...

I am in the bog of despair, the slough of despond,
A place of which I am not too fond,
As I read Pilgrim's Progress, I see the allegory,
Of my own hearts relation to this grand spiritual story!

Don't break me when I'm already broken,
I'm not falling to pieces, I already fell,
Don't criticize me and say you love me,
Because you don't really care, and I can tell.

I wish I would understand how to hold happiness firmly in my palm,
I wish I would take every moment, every day to just be still and calm
I wish that my smile wouldn't sometimes have to be something to pursue,
But I wish that happiness when it came was something I could never undo

There are other poems that I would like to write:
Poems of joy, poems of bliss, poems of great mysterious speech,
Poems of love, poems of wonders, poems of places we'd all like to reach.
There are other poems that I would like to write...

Getting past the past is ever so hard for me...
Because the past was better than the present seems to be...
I'm trying to write until I have nothing left to say
When I can write about something brighter on a happier day

You may try to bring me down, but I don't have to let you win,
God teaches that when a man falls he should rise up in the spirit,

Some of the best and worst advice in life is free,
But it's up to you to decide which one it will be!

You must first and foremost be concerned about your own character in every situation.
There is no escape from this very spiritual law, ever so supreme.
If you judge a person, no matter who they are, for their character
Then you are no better than the 'evil' actions you have seen.

I read a quote by Richard Nixon
Even if you hate him, please just listen,
This saying remains ever so true,
He said 'Always remember others may hate you, '

If I said I was sorry, would you forgive me?
If I said I loved you, would you believe me?
If I was unhappy, would you want to cheer me up?
If I was upset with you, would you apologize?

You have built a stonewall around your heart
And I know this tears your insides apart
You won't let me love you anymore at all
I can no longer talk to you, write or call

Mentally Unstable Mentally Unwell
This is my living hell...
Never knowing, if I'm coming or going
Or wither thereto, my mind is throwing

it is allright if you hate me for something I've never done,
for I understand you are under the influence of the evil one,
it has been hard to accept the truth that I am a martyr
i have suffered so that you can try and be filled with joy from above,

I asked how to win your heart again,
They told me to make you jealous, they told me to sin,
They told me to act happy, but I am really oh so very sad,
They told me to lie, to hide behind a smile appearing to be glad,

There is no hope anymore, yet I strive on, but wonder why?
I know I'd rather live a depressing life than to tell a lie...
And I haven't told a lie, I still love you deep within,
But you know what, you can't see it, because you won't let me in...

In a crowded room, and yet all alone
In a fog of doom, wish I had known
You'd leave so soon, it's me you've outgrown
I don't know where or what I'm looking for,

Something so hard
goes straight to the soul;
it seems impossible to get over
and my heart is left with a big hole.

Moving into a new existence for myself and for you,
Ever so painful but ever so true,
Lifting weights off my shoulder two by two
Trying too hard, because I don't know what else to do.

chad fisher Biography

Who am I? I only wish I knew the answer to that as much as other people believe they know who I am. I like skateboarding, and I currently live in Indiana. I write poetry on and off. Sorry I do not belong to the Chad Fisher Group. I am not a songwriter, nor a Jazz musician though I wouldn't mind being either of those.)

The Best Poem Of chad fisher

Lost Poem...Lost Love..

Lost poem...
Lost words...
Lost feeling..
Lost love...

Nay, these are not lost, it is a deception
Nay, these are not lost, a false perception

Lost poem...
Lost words...
Lost feeling..
Lost love...

Nay, these are not lost, they exist deep in my soul,
Ultimate forgiveness, a high ideal, and yet a worthy goal.

Lost poem...
Lost words...
Lost feeling..
Lost love...

chad fisher Comments

Jennifer Unknown 30 August 2007

I love reading your stuff because it always makes me think and ask questions.

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