Why do you have to be so rude?
iMessage has issues with signals sometimes
Yet you called me immature for saying it might be your internet connection.
Depression is not an object,
nor is it to be romanticised.
Depression is wanting to harm yourself mentally.
The thing is,
feelings change all the time.
Yesterday you may have been
completely and utterly infatuated
Don't forget to nourish yourself.
We get busy whether it's work,
life, or laziness.
Take a deep breath,
Happiness and sadness
are easy to recognise,
but sometimes I have
other emotions that I
True love needs to be real.
How else could someone
as amazing as you could love so fully.
Someone that's broken, and
Do you ever just look back and wonder what if?
But you take a step out of yourself and you
realise "why did I ever wonder what if"?
I'm ever so grateful for how things turned out
It's one of them days were you look at them
and think "I really really love you".
They're just talking or watching a movie or
reading or laughing at something.
The princess was told
that if she makes a wish
it would come true.
She lived her entire life
At first I was upset
that you wouldn't see me today.
But then I remembered
something that made me happy.
She's always going to wonder what if.
They never got a chance to develop
what was between them.
It drives her insane in times when it's
Why do you have to be so rude?
iMessage has issues with signals sometimes
Yet you called me immature for saying it might be your internet connection.
You constantly insult me
Saying to stop copying and pasting things that it's creepy.
Yet it was my own words.
Why do you act like you're so much better than me when we're in a relationship?
Just because you went out one night driving around - not even asking me this time if I even wanted to come along.
Saying that I do not know what it's like?
Complaining when I don't text you back within an hour.
Yet if I even hinted at complaining about something like that you would call me clingy.
Informing you about a set of email instructions then when you realise that I'm right
You don't say I'm sorry, you just continue talking about cars.
I'm the girl here, I shouldn't have to deal with this type of ‘man'.
Who treats his girlfriend like this.
Who asks his girlfriend to pay for half of a car product for his car that I do not drive.
Why do I deal with this.
When will I learn to let go
Will he ever improve?
Why do I continue to put it behind and put on a brave face.
Writing all of my thoughts down.
Never to him otherwise it's a never ending fight.
your poems are really beautiful and put a different perspective on life