Carrie Baker

Carrie Baker Poems

Forever your Sister, I'll always be;
Right by your side, infinitely....
I know you will find
That I'll always love you true

The Best Poem Of Carrie Baker

~lilacs Of Love For My Sister Bug~

Forever your Sister, I'll always be;
Right by your side, infinitely....
I know you will find
That I'll always love you true
For this reason, no need to be blue.

After all of these years,
Through the heartaches and tears,
We're still hand in hand.
We've conquered most our fears.

Whether you're near me
Or we're far apart....
I'll cherish your love, Bug,
Right here, in my heart.

As we walk through life's journey
And your heart beats with mine,
Just remember you'll always
Be A Sweet Sister of Mine.

No one could compare
Or begin to share
What we have in our heart,
From the very start.

Your kindness is rare,
Our lives we do share...
I know that you will always care.

I want you to know...
That I depend on you soooo
So please don't ever go.

No matter where I may be
Even when God calls me home....
I know you will be close to me.

For life is such a journey,
where I may feel betrayed
You make my life complete
I never have to compete with you
For our love is forever true.

Every good and perfect gift is from Heaven
And YOU my dear Bug are a blessing
From the Lord my God above.

For my dear Bug, who I know so well
To me you have always meant so much,
When I am down and out, or feeling blue
I Just lean on you, you'll be my crutch.

Together we have shared
So many sorrows and joys;
But we've kept each other safe
From what evil may destroy.

I pray blue skies and sunshine
Will brighten our days,
As our Father in Heaven
Guides us through all of life's ways.

You are such a blessing to me
I thank the Lord for sending you to me
I pray that he will bless you 10-fold
For each thoughtful thing you do.

You are a very special treasure
Sent to me from Above.
Oh, how I cherish your love
My dear precious Bug.

At times I think you must have
Some Heavenly 'Magic Glue'...
That helps hold me together.

You take the extra time
To listen and understand,
In your own loving way...
When many others would whine,
Complain and walk the other way.

You always seem to know
Just what to say and do,
Just like Mom use to....
Whether I am down and out,
Or simply feeling blue.

It really helps me more
Than you will ever know,
Whatever life throws at me
I know that you will always be
Right there loving me infinitely
...And Unconditionally.

Thank you Bug, sooooo very much...
For always being there for me,
With a caring & loving heart.

I cannot find the words to tell
Of all you mean to me,
But please know....
I'm thanking God for you Bug
For all eternity....

(By Mary Hamby with love to her sister Bug)
(For Her 50th Birthday Feb,14 1959)

~Love Inf. Your Sister & Your Friend Mary~

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