For everything a reason
and a season under the sun;
every puzzle has its answer
that is not uniquely our own.
Another age old story
seventeen years of nurturing
yearns to be free.
Come into my open arms
and I’ll chase away your fears,
feed your empty aching need
and dry up all your tears.
Everyone should care.
No one should ignore a world so
Vital and green;
Inviting and teeming with life. Mother earth
Funny how the very ones who
say they carry the light, also
bear the responsibility for causing
most of the pain in the world.
Life is a matter of choices
made at every fork in the road,
and none made for an easy way
to carry or lighten the load.
The gathering was wonderful;
Laughter tasted great
Mixed with wine in the palate;
Birthdays are good reason to celebrate.
In some force of nature
He reaches for her
Time and time again.
And time after time
She needed and dreamed of more,
But a woman’s life was set in stone;
Marriage was judged as better
For her
F orever it flies over the halls of justice;
R evered as beloved symbol across the land
E very heart feels humbled by her anthem.
E ach pledge made beneath her liberty and