brutal sickthermic saint

brutal sickthermic saint Poems

The essense of love shoke my heart,
leaving its chambers slag,
hardly could i breathe.
The smell of your fragrance oozed and jumped into the firmament when i touched you,

Phsychological fusion of separate minds, birth of verbal debates.
But you rose with sun beams from cloud-9 to brighten up my paths.
Tears skin eroting my cheeks but you wash them away.
Your furtherance to my inspiration i'm above life storms like an eagle.

The debate about addiction never reached the verdict.
Mythology noblists battled and caught locked up in the dungeon of time.
Who brought this drug?
No medical segeon knew,

Life obsticles breathed a curse upon my life.
Mind-boggling complexity.
Death violins flocked into my mind,
like miniature trains in a toy shop.

Pain is the language they speak.
Prussic acid suicide and ropes, suicidal letters.
Cynical disregard for true love, tortured and raped.
Faces deformed, scars and healing wounds at sanatoria.


Apogee distraction.
Pain holler refractions.
Opique image projection.
3rd-eye vesion completely blocked.

It came to my life as a 7 headed dragon.
Tetrahetral horizontal reflection.
Drama hacked into my brain matrix and diffused bombs,
but once the rays of a twilight angel emerged,

My soul be sparkling like ice crystals.
Sabath day, still black book in my hand.
Lay ma head on in and have a siesta,40 winks.
The supernatural powers of the holly ghost vocalised in my dreams.

Watch the blood go thicker.
Dark majority pulling souls westerly,
Mortal combat and death to religion symtoms,
as God's creatures smoke spliffs with the be-evilled.

Brown membraned, egg-eyed,
African barbie doll.
Skin-sick and sexually offended,
offended by the only rots she can lean on.

Disunited disproportionate love faded.
Only roots of my consolation dug by acid rain, raptured.
I woke up in panther's parade no more honey dreams.
Open up the cartains, visibility blurred by sun beams.

Assasination web, chains hurling behind my foot steps.
Horrendous karma with javelin in hand chasing aftre me.
Marijuana spliffed and blunts giving birth to green clouds.
I was part of knight shadows with longated knife to shed blood.

Death choir sang!
Ears plastered swaggering along twingles.
Angel of death with a long knife gesturing to take a soul.
Semiquaver rambling 'till there is fuss perambulating in stomach.

Under leafs of impecunious tree.
Under wings of indegent angels.
Swimming in tears from streamed cheeks.
Chasing clover with iron rots.

I took a journey across your heart,
up and down like a gypsy.
With bare foot so my footprints never get faked.
Glued in your heart far from homogeneous congruency.

Behind the dragon's egg hides my bardens.
Let the black roses bloo in african imagenary gardens.
Benevolent scenes, agony no mix 'em.
But the foot prints i made on this soil gathered and sang success praising antherm.

The Best Poem Of brutal sickthermic saint

Kissing A Dragon

The essense of love shoke my heart,
leaving its chambers slag,
hardly could i breathe.
The smell of your fragrance oozed and jumped into the firmament when i touched you,
hardly coul i leave.
I stood still cold like ama transform into ice crystals.
Looked up to take a kiss.
A kiss of a dragon with angelic wings and never roared.

You exhaled fishermen's hook,
caught me by my leg im hurling behind your words.
Swimming in the pool of alphabets,
like you verbally shot me with the black ink.
I can't think.
I'm blushing internally my heart is pink,
as you swifted your words like your chain reacting sentenses to burst in my brain.
In every handy contact you make,
i become paralysed like a robbery victim drugged with cocaine.
I kissed a dragon with no harm,
no flamey chest
no teeth to bite

its voice!
Its voice is like a flock of tinkers blowing flutes,
spinned my synapse in a logical reverse.
I kissed a dragon..
And we made love...

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