Bri Edwards Poems

Hit Title Date Added

When I were schooled english wernt my thing.
My scores in English lurning no bells done ring.
Yea I grajaded but ain't english smart ….no lie!
Come end a school year the teach said 'By Bri.'

For my poems, my friend Valsa George has a hunger.
She’s over fifty, but, compared to me, she is younger.
She suggested I write about ‘the advantages of being old’.
It’s a challenge, but, Valsa, on this idea you have sold......

Green: The Color... [green Things]

My favorite colors are green and brown.
Green-leafed trees polka-dot our town.
Green's the color of farm pond scum,
and green's the color of green tea gum.

Fun-Eral....... [my Funeral; Relatives; Life And Death; Fun]

Did you ever notice, in 'funeral', the much smaller word, Fun?
If there was a funeral for me, who would 'from it' and who would 'to it' run?
At 64 I'm overdue perhaps; why should I any longer stick around?
In our big paper dictionary, many as young or younger than I have died, I've found.

I’m an American. So you know I KNOW about equality, right?
And I’m married. I strive for spousal equality with all my might!
Let me share with you how I help to keep my marriage EQUAL.
I’m so good at it that this is my 3rd marriage sequel.

Kanav Justa suggested I share my pizza with PoemHunter friends,
but I’ve found, when trying to send real pizza, my wife’s computer bends.
So you PoemHunter friends will have to settle for.... slices of my thoughts.
You’ll have to settle for “Poetic Pizza” Pieces my mind and pen have wrought.

A Lonely Cloud.....[nature Observation; Humor]

I saw a lonely cloud one day.
It looked small beyond the Bay.
I tried to find a second and failed,
even though I looked each way.

Sitting quietly in my too-fancy chair, I hear classical music now fill the air.
[It's a rare evening during which my wife and I don't a movie share.]
Now the music's stopped coming from down the hall; I did enjoy it.
I believe my wife's at her computer in the "office"; she, the music, did employ it

Though We're Now Apart

Though We're Now Apart

It rained, stopped, and rained

'Mashed Potatoes'......[ Personal; Autobiographical; Short]

Memory of Thanksgiving: Gravy with... mashed potatoes.
Sandwich of my Youth: Bacon and lettuce.... with tomatoes.
Jobs I've had: Nurses' aide, clerk, .... and truck driver.
Athletes I'll never be: Quarterback, boxer, and high diver.

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