I wanted to get permission to use this poem in my church bulletin Sunday as I will be preaching the subject of being salt and light from Matthew 5: 13-16. Of course I will give proper credit to you as its author.
Very. prolific. writer... Score! Found a modern writer that's quite good, and there's still people who believe in God and LIKE him.
You have God-given talent for writing poetry and it is a blessing to read your work.
I have read a few of your poems and I am impressed. The subject matter is something that any religious person will of course love, but what I was drawn to was the rhyme schemes that you use. Plus the fact that you have over 800 poems. My favorite poems though are when you dont use your most common format, since in my opinion a subject such as God shouldn't really be constrained to five stanzas, but should be whatever emotion is upon your heart at the time. God Bless.
Bob, Thank God for people like you that God can use as His vessel. Thank you for blessing us with ' Life At It's Best '. Lots of things going on in everyones life and we ALL need God. Love and respect to you and your wife.Please continue to listen to God... you will never truly know who may be listening...I thank you again!
Truer words were never spoken Bob, thankyou so much for writing this fantastic poem.. I hope many read and pay close attention to your wonderful words. God is King, there is no one else before him. I will speak of him all the days of my life and will do my best to teach those that ignore him. Thankyou and God bless you. Melvina
You always get a ten from me unconditionally just because of the subject matter. I love Him very much, too!
Hey Bob: I would like to thank you for writing about Our Lord And Savior, Jesus Christ. Also for writing about Our Heavenly Father. God Bless You and do not let these people discourage you. There needs to be more like you. I gave up on posting on this site. It is clear these people do not appreciate poetry when they read it. All it has gotten to be is a bunch of backstabbing and who can say the worst to the other. When I started out it seemed to be a good site. But when I read where someone was using others poems as their own that done me with it. It is quite clear of the ones that is critizing you are bound for Hell, for they seem not to know the Lord as their Savior. All you can do is tell them about Christ and it is up to them to accept him. Keep up the great work.
Hi Bob May I suggest that you make a new line each time you pause in your poems. It makes reading them a lot easier. What a nice way to express yourself however. Hugs Jan
Congratulations to you Bob. You are on a mission to spread the word of Christ. Even if your poetry isn't any good, your faith is deep and it's more important to shove Christ's word in the faces of the sinning poets than to work on crafting good poems yourself. I'm sure you're doing a very effective job and have probably helped thousands on this site to see the light, to stop regarding biblical stories as unprovable fairytales, and to start praying to the Christian god in order to save themselves from ending up in the place where the guy with the pitchfork, horns, and pointy tail does his business.
To God be the Glory for using you to share the goodness of God through poetry given by God through the HolySpirit.