Hello po, may I seek your permission to use your poem/acronym on Philippine Independence Day for our reading session to Grade 3 learners in F. Mendoza Memorial Elementary School Bulacan
CONGRATULATIONS, CONGRATULATIONS Rev. Bernard Sir. WOW! Amazing ranking today Monday 26 October 2020 #159 on top 500 poets. Enjoy this #159 on top 500 poets as much as you are able and my felicitations are here today for you! With the best wishes from The Netherlands, Sylvia Frances Chan
Thank you so much, Sister Sylvia for these inspiring words. I'm truly humbled.
Your creative mind is filled with love and happiness. Be proud that you bring " Joy to the world" Thank You Bernard.
Only of late I got in acquainted with muse of the poet, BERNARD F ASUNCION. His latest poems are very short and sweet and made crunching sound of munching chocolate when I read them aloud, fantastic. He touched myriad forms and shapes of l poetry on human nature, love, universe and what not and left indelible mark on poetry. He really deserves his place in TOP 500.POETS OF THE WORLD in poemhunter for which I congratulate him on achieving rare fete!
Sir! ... Believe it or not. Your poems are most superb.
Bernard F. Asuncion is a very kind and supporting man. His work reveals a very kind and gentle soul, a God loving man. A good citizen and a good family man. I happy to consider Mr. Asuncion a good supporting friend here in this site. I wish him many good things and a long and happy life. Thank you Bernard for all the love and support you show not only to me, but to many people in this site. With much appreciation, your friend, Luz.
Bernard F. Asuncion is a man of good character who carries a heart filled with kindness and wisdom. He is a man who has penned many outstanding world-class poems which resonate and shine only goodness. He bestows many words of enchanting wisdom of gracious comments on good peoples poems. I am honoured and so humbled to call this outstanding man and fellow poet my friend. Thank you so much Bernard. Shaun.
Bernard, i wish you many more years of writing beautiful poems and sharing your positive vibrations, love and peace, all around you. With warmest wishes and regards. Be blessed always.
Dear Poet Bernard, In this age of terrorism and high materialism, you are a sublime messenger of God to bring peace on earth with your beautiful, noble and sublime thoughts. You have made thousands of people happy by wishing them on their birthdays through your acrostic poems.
Sir Bernard's poems are above average. They are simply amazing and delightful.
Bernard F. Asuncion is a thoughtful and sweet poet.... I enjoyed his works......
Hello po can i ask your permission to do a thesis about your works?