Sophie Allyah

Sophie Allyah Poems

When the mind is in wonder of chaos
The creation becomes pure insanity
Acquiring the gift of beauty in throes
In a decent dark artistic integrity

A-lways in a self
D-estructive state because of
D-oing what you love most
I-t's like reaching heaven but

One, two, three
Better run and hide
In the basement or behind the tree
Four, five, six

They tried to kill this shape-shifter for years
But it seemed they can't figure this creature
It gave this peaceful town unending fears
Unknown to all this could be my teacher

She is a noblewoman from a noble family
Owned a land in the kingdom of Hungary
Behind her beauty that no one can deny
Is the caused of the huge public outcry

I'm here, still waiting for you to come.
You're three hundred sixty five days
each year; that is eight thousand
seven hundred sixty

An unspoken with mistreatment
Abused in time without any appreciation
Antiquated, outmoded, dé​mo​dé.

V-oted as the best
A-nd I say he is, from
N-orth to south; east to west

A victim in wolf's lair
The mob doesn't seem to care
They just turned their heads and pray
Makes the victim more an easy prey

At sea and shore I dreamed of
Nothing but madness in pure
I used to be proud and gay
Used to utter their names

His name is King suitable to his features
Taught to be friendly by his keepers
Always a playful he is
Making his way to showbiz

At midnight hour police began shooting
In the vicinity of holy church
Eight homeless people killed before scooting
Including six minors the ground engorge

There was once a big, giant gorilla
Who envy this monster Godzilla
Said 'I am the king,
He can't win in the ring,

There was this Godzilla who punches an ape
Said 'I am the king and you can't escape! '
Smashed and trod to the ground
Spun like a merry-go-round

stranded in a small secluded area
with only a cell phone to hold
the sky is pouring heavy
nothing special here to be told

We're standing for a long time, waiting
Misfits in front were resting on the grass
The wasted stayed on dreaming
I kept on wonder if the tarry would last

a red between buttocks
yes, a ruddy between buttocks
and I'm trying to forget the pang
by delightfully watching them

What makes one great
is being honest to oneself
and to others, of course

Sophie Allyah Biography

Long time fan of horror and anime series/films, any genres in music as long as it sounds very loud, tattoos, animals of any kind, even cockroaches, collecting figure statues, books especially DC and Marvel, pc and playstations games. What else? Almost travel the world six out of seven continents related to my job and writing poem isn't really my hobby, just killing time when it needed to and I'm proud that it's the tool I used when murdering Khronos. I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and the only way to heaven and even though I like these kinds of stuff- the violent games, films, graphic novels and animes, loud music, and tattoos, I worshiped him and gave thanks everyday for the rest of my life.)

The Best Poem Of Sophie Allyah

Immoral Writings In Distinctive Style

When the mind is in wonder of chaos
The creation becomes pure insanity
Acquiring the gift of beauty in throes
In a decent dark artistic integrity

Straying into the darkest obsession
To create is to wander in mind deep and far
The fill become immoral in perfection
That mark the concoction of pretty scar

Reshaping and raping for poetic justice
A dark, violent and sometimes gory imagery
Bringing forth a brimming mysterious madness
In direful detail in all its glory

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