Poetical Analysis

Poetical Analysis Poems

Beauti of sorrow
vast as the sea
eve of the morrow
inner expanse of me

She lives like the Sun gallops through the day
She laughs like the Ocean's steady sway
Her tears fall like hellfire upon her breasts
She dreams she died a thousand deaths

Battered into submission like a 9/11 bomber

Forced to see Vader as the savior of mamma

I Don't Believe

I don't believe in holiday mascots

See the young rambunctious girl, frolic, head held high

Skipping, hopping, laughing, singing, all with eyes unto the sky

Rain doesn't fall from the ocean
Thoughts don't form in our mind
A completely true false notion
One could argue out in time

Standing Military, shadow state
Religious clergy fomenting hate
King's Dream close enough to be seen
Malcomn & The Panthers exposing the scheme

Faith and hope of man
Mother of the land
Height upon which life does stand

How does the American facade now fade
Victim of the causes made
The wars we waged
Against ourselves

They keep too many secrets & tell too many lies

They are full of tears & fantasies & empty sighs

I Am The Illuminati

I am that force you can't fight back

I gots strong magic
You could never grab it
Even if I gave it to you
You still wouldn't have it

Heard it through the grapevine
Nobody cried, loud enough, so its fine
Autistic compression applied

No man will ever take you from me
I have claimed you to be mine
It is I who will rend the food from your plate
The hair from your head

Government v Children

Hmmm? Employees, generals, spies, & cops

Like the Painted human denied sheer dignity

Key to the cage of religion & it's bars of divinity

I remember that time
It reminds me of me
When I look in the mirror
I remember what I see

There is always a path we have made'
That trail we blazed
Through the field of life
And as it infinitely stretches

Here lies treasure & innocence guarded for no gain
Exploitation rides his stead to smoother this ancient flame
The darkness descends as the ocean
Uncarried by any form or motion

Mother Moon, do you remember your child
That legacy of a most civilized wild
Fertile womb revolving, orbited by nurturing breasts
Lost upon her unseen side her secrets there are kept

Poetical Analysis Biography

Through the lens of poetical analysis, all can be made to mean anything.)

The Best Poem Of Poetical Analysis

The Beauti Of Sorrow

Beauti of sorrow
vast as the sea
eve of the morrow
inner expanse of me

conceptually multiplied
virtually personified
politically religified
perceptually cubified

Beauti of sorrow
vast as the sea
eve of the morrow
inner expanse of me

life is a beauty
living our prize
to share them our duty*
effects all our lives*

Beauti of sorrow
vast as the sea
eve of the morrow
inner expanse of me

running reel of thoughts
projection of the mind
independent performing plots
and a function to define

Beauti of sorrow
vast as the sea
eve of the morrow
inner expanse of me

many a different beauties
shine in a single sorrow
many a different evenings
raise a plethora of tomorrows

Beauti of sorrow
vast as the sea
eve of the morrow
inner expanse of me

contemplation of all thats left
the final mystery announced
a souls a speck of a black hole's death
so evil, and good renounce

Beauti of sorrow
vast as the sea
eve of the morrow
inner expanse of me

sorrow isn't knowing now
knowing hurts so much
hurt is hope that holds you down
ego is a common crutch

Beauti of sorrow
vast as the sea
eve of the morrow
inner expanse of me

*Changed Line From:
[to share it our duty-original-2.26.10]
[the purpose of our lives-original-2.26.10]

Poetical Analysis Comments

Isaac Ucha 25 November 2009

I found you, did you look tell the truth and i don't know how to add people, add me! ! !

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Poetical Analysis Quotes

A sentient being with a purpose can never settle for the life of a man or woman, nor a purposeless pig.

If you can't get mad at yourself for betraying you, then you will die like the coward you already are.

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