
Like I put in my status; 'I want more than just a sunset, more than just it's heat, I want the SUN fully! ! - no clouds allowed..'

hope u understand it...

And I keep wasting time playing around, a glance, a smile, some exchange of words...
time that is not invested but just enjoyed.

Oh my love...

this past 26 days apart have make me wonder...
I wonder if this your love is as strong as mine,

I will pour away your pain with my lips upon your wounds,
I will get away your sadness with a tender rub,

do you feel the coldness amidst the clouds covering the sun
making this day grey absent from your smile?
that's the way my soul is expressing through the wind
following the traces of the emptiness that you left behind...

Although this distance is between our bodies,
our love keeps uniting us together,
although this pain is wounding us,
our hope of meet back again keep us going,

Cuando las palabras no salen y ni aún al pensamiento vienen,
aùn las notas invadidas de nostalgia pausan haciendo más largo el esperar.
Oh amado mío, digo ocupar el tiempo en otras cosas, pero creo

Ana MARTINEZ Biography

Born a Latin women, grow up with a mix of cultures, open minded but conservative (they are not opposites) I i love chocolate! ! and all kinds of sweets n luv wine! ! n yea... whiskey too I'm a romantic person, too pasionate sometimes...and a lit bit crazy when the time is appropiate. I'm a lit bit demanding, but i'm willing to do d same.. I consider myself a good friend, trustful and loyal. And my friends say: (my favorite references; D) - FRIENDLY; D 'Ana is like a shooting start you d wish to encounter at least once in your life. Spontaneous, energetic, caring, lovable, unique and so on, this list may go on. One thing you need to know is that when she lets you in her life, whether its 5 min or 5 hours you met, you ll feel like you ve been friends for years...' (Anthony from Montreal) -HONEST & COMMITTED 'AniLu Anilu is an extraordinary person with an exotic but very defined personality, committed to people she loves and always defending her ideals, an honest girl who is ready to listen and definitly, you can trust her. Besides, she has a funny mascot and a beautiful British accent, even some times her spanish is not easy to follow' (from Erick Rios) -POSITIVE 'Anilu! is awesome girl, funny, intelligent positive n' so on! Ã?¢Ã?â?¬Ã?¨at her place we were playing cards, drinkin, talking, & enjoyin' tea! then winneee&chesseee :) Ã?¢Ã?â?¬Ã?¨I had a fungreat time with here and her mom's a beautiful person.Ã?¢Ã?â?¬Ã?¨Ã?¢Ã?â?¬Ã?¨(also have a really funice pet): D (from Issela Sanchez) -PASSIONATE 'She was so nice introducing me to the cs friends, plus talktive, humor and outgoing, i love her passion.nice to meet you my friend: -) ' (from Spark Chen) -OUTGOING & FUN 'Sweet, funny, outgoing girl. AnilÃ?Æ?Ã?º is always up for whatever you can have in mind. She's always making new friends and she brings fun to wherever she is. It's nice to have shiny, bubbly people around and she's the best I know for that.' (from MArcos Garcia) - LOTS OF ENERGY! ! 'When you see someone who is entirely unflagging going from parties, cooking, dancing, travelling and much more, you have to acknowledge that, she's undoubtedly like that, i wish i could have that kind of endurance =) ' (from Armando Longoria))

The Best Poem Of Ana MARTINEZ


Like I put in my status; 'I want more than just a sunset, more than just it's heat, I want the SUN fully! ! - no clouds allowed..'

hope u understand it...

Loving u but refraining it
missing you but avoiding it
wanting you but ignoring it

How hard is to put aside so strong feelings for survival and protection,
but they are not wanted or feeded, or needed at the time for the other side
how hard are the roads ahead of us, that even though we may not see them
they confuse our ways, they make us wonder around missing the best...

That you may be SUN, and clouds were are gone,
so finally heat is set so we can have it all...


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