Amitava Sur Quotes

' If you are to rise to a greater height then first you have to know how and when a person falls '. Amitava

' True love never dies; it's always fresh and fine; it is divine.' Amitava

It is difficult to live without any love in life But it is next to impossible to live after losing the love.

You are riding a Time Train which never waits, So do something fruitful right now, you'll get this moment never again. You will be remembered by your deeds only, not by anything else.

Wrong person on a right chair Is the cause of anything unfair...

The ultimate TRUTH along with unconditional Love is the only object what the immortal soul accepts only. Amitava.

' Beauty in face is like a bubble in air, Real beauty lies in your action and behavior '

Beauty in face is like a bubble in air, Real beauty lies in your action & behavior...

' If the seed itself is polluted and not nourished a healthy flower can never be expected from it '... Amitava.

To Become a true good person - depends on you yourself only, as how honest and good you are, very consciously to your own self! ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Amitava.

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