Adele Rose Haskins

Adele Rose Haskins Poems

A Collection of Sappy and Angry Poems.

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The Best Poem Of Adele Rose Haskins

The Ups And Downs Of My Love Life

A Collection of Sappy and Angry Poems.

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Here is one in the collection.

"Spirits Intertwined"

I was charmed by your aura.
We couldn't get much warmer.
Your glow is shining
Deep in my eyes.

Don't hesitate if you want me
Just as bad as I want you.
You shouldn't let a feeling
like this slip by.

Your spirit intertwined with mine
On the first night I met you.
Boy, no one could spark a fire like this on their own.

Let's go swimming,
To the center of the ocean,
And when we get there
I'll kiss you,
Like we'll never make it
Back to shore.

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