Communication and Communion
are fundamentally different.
Communication is logical and practical,
God speaks his infinite love
and lifts our souls to new heights.
He asks us as he asked the prophet, Ezekiel.
When Israel
rejected their
Messiah at His
first coming,
These wonderful words
have not lost any
of their deep impact
in the difficult days
I feel my words in my drumming fingers
And do not know what they mean.
A future hides in those words
Steve Jobs Last Words
Chasing the money and working so hard your life passes you by isn't what life is all about. Sometimes you need to take a step back, breathe and re evaluate things.
Steve Jobs Last Words -
The comforting words
in this Psalm were
written by David
after he escaped
Words cannot measure
the boundaries of love.
Those born to new life
In words beyond
the power of speech
we want to raise
our voice
The boneless
two-inch piece of flesh
our tongue, in our mouth,
can be our best friend
I have treasured
in my heart,
your words
that I may
Reckless words
pierce like a sword,
but the tongue
of the wise
The Roman soldier
and Temple guards
had come to arrest
Jesus, with swords
As we reflect
upon these comforting
words that we find
in them, the beloved
We put too much
value into what
people have to say.
Shine through us O God
so that we may influence
and lead everyone we meet
to you and to your presence.
I feel inspired
by the wise
words and
For someone
that needs to hear
this right now,
I pronounce these words
Blues, dejection,
The weeping prophet of Israel,
who grieved over the shocking
demise of Jerusalem
and lamented over the
Words are to communion
what the color is to flowers.
The failure to commune is despair.
The words of love
which we express normally
articulates and communicates
deepened levels of intimacy and union.