Ulrike Almut Sandig

Ulrike Almut Sandig Poems

good evening, Deutschland, turn the fog lights on
we're after telling it like it is, being on cue:

those who want in must chomp their way through
a cake that's not found anywhere in Grimm;

those who want out are gone in two shakes, quicker
than the time it takes to think of a four-syllable word.

just say three times: milkandhoney, milkandhoney.
we've lost our way in your shopping malls

can't tell them apart any more. in Höxter
a fat girl buys an angel of clay and asks

at the till: what does hope mean? in Steinheim
Hakan drinks his coffee strong, he dreamed again

Berlin wenn es gelingt, bin ich ein Feld voller Raps,
verstecke die Rehe und leuchte wie dreizehn
Ölgemälde übereinander gelegt. wenn es jetzt schon
gelingt, will ich Schaum sein vom Sirup irakischer
Datteln, Würfel aus türkischem Honig, syrischer
Lyrik, eine rundgeschliffene geometrische Form wie
Kiesel, Wiesenblüten, Bonbonmund, sprichs aus: ich
bin das Pidgin der schönen, schwarzlockigen,
schweren Jungs, die ihre Rhymes austeilen in
zärtlichen Bomben, gucksdu: keiner fliegt hier in die
Luft außer den Tauben. (wenn es nicht gelingt, will
ich meine Sprache vergessen. je suis ein Feld voller
Monokultur, ersticke die Schlehen und drehe mich
weg. je suis nicht mehr mein eigen Heimatland,
jedoch) wenn es gelingt, werden wir, ihr alle und ich,
zeitgleich ein Kinderlied reimen wie aus einem
einzigen Mund voller Raps, wir werden ein
fließender Leim sein auf weißem Papier. wir
werden leicht sein und schwer. vor allem aber
werden wir sein.

Berlin. if it works I'll be a field full of
rapeseed, give cover to deer and shine like
thirteen oil-paintings laid one on top of the
other. if it works right now, I'll be foam on the
syrup of iraqi dates, cubes of turkish honey,
syrian poetry, a geometric form worn smooth
and round like pebbles, meadow flowers,
bonbon-mouth, don't spit it out: I am the
pidgin of the heavy lads with the glossy, black
locks, that deal out their rhymes in delicate
bombs, what'ya gawping at: no one here will
go to the dogs, but the doves. (if it doesn't
work, let me forget my language. je suis a field
full of monoculture, give bother to steer and
turn my head. though, truth be told, je suis no
longer my own Heimatland). but if it works
we, that's all of you and me, will sing a
lullaby, rhyme in unison as if a single mouth
full of rapeseed, we'll be liquid glue on white
paper. we'll be light and heavy. but more than
that, we will be.

ich schreibe dir nur u dich wissen zu lassen
es fehlt mir a nichts. das i mein Hand, das i mein

Arm, das i mein Aug, schau genau hin: es i alles
noch da, seit du nicht mehr da bist, v a: alles i mind

1x vorhanden: mein Stirn, mein Hirn, mein
Pech. fasse mich neuerdings kurz u schreibe dir nur

im Sprech d pappweißen Taube vorm Haus u
ihrem mechanischen ‹Überallengipfelnist› Ru Ru

Ru, die gesprächigste Taube v Glückstadt a d Elbe
die jedem, wirklich jedem ihrer Berichte 1 letzte

hoffnungsvolle Silbe anhängt, 1 Verschwendung!
breche hier ab. kann mein eignes Wort kaum verstehn

v lauter Abwesenheit. abgesehen davon fehlt es mir
a nichts. lieber Hans. wie geht es dir u

v a: wo bist du?
Ru Ru

I'm writing just t let you know I hv
all I need. this i my hand, this i my

arm, this i my eye, look closely now; it's all
still here, since you've been gone, + esp

at least 1x each of these: my forehead, my brain
and my bad luck. these days I keep it brief and write

to you in t voice of t white dove at t window
its mechanical ‘tothineownselfbet' ru ru

ru, that most garrulous dove from Lucksville o Thames
who adds 1 last hopeful syllable onto each +

every one of her reports, 1 x what a waste! anyway
I'm signing off. can scarcely understand a wd I say

w all this absence. apart from that I hv
all I need. dear Hans. but what are you up to?

+ esp: where r u?
ru ru


I. breite die Arme schulterhoch aus. verhalte dich, als könntest du
II. sei wie der Pfarrer im schwarzen Talar, der ohne es selber zu
merken mitten im Schlusssegen vom Boden abhob, zum
Glockenstuhl flog und von dort aus in tiefen Schlaf fiel und fiel.
III. halte dich an die windschiefen Hecken am Dorfrand, die
Nebelbänke, die Wälder.
IV. rüttel am Backpfeifenbaum der Geschichte.
V. lass dich nicht hetzen. und wenn sie dich hetzen, dann flieh.
VI. lass dich nicht schinden. und wenn sie dich schinden, finde
VII. finde Verstecke. kletter auf Bäume, bau dir kein Haus.
VIII. sei wie die Fliege mit Schlinge um den Chitinhals, die Runde um
Runde im Küchenlicht flog, bis ein gelangweilter Junge genug
vom Spiel hatte. putz deine Wunden.
IX. steig auf eine Grenzmauer und jubel darauf. kriech unter
Maschendrahtzäunen hindurch.
X. vertrau auf die Fliehkraft.
XI. sei wie die Fledermaus, die ohne anzustoßen aus dem
Laborfenster flog, nachdem man ihr beide Augen ausstach, um
den Fledermaussinn zu erforschen.

I. spread your arms out at shoulder height and behave like you can fly.
II. be like the priest in his black cassock who, unbeknown to him,
lifted up off the floor in the middle of the final blessing,
flew to the belfry, fell into deep sleep, and deeper.
III. keep to the stunted hedges at the edge of the village, the
banks of fog, the woods.
IV. shake on the implacable tree of history, whatever the blowback.
V. don't let yourself be hurried. and if they hurry you, take flight.
VI. don't let yourself be harried. and if they harry you, find a way out.
VII. find hiding places. climb up trees, don't build yourself a house.
VIII. be like the fly with a noose round its chitin neck, who flew
circuits in the kitchen light, until a bored kid had enough of
the game. clean your wounds.

was the tar moist and void, the stallions
occasionally tore riderless right through the place,
or the youngest came by and then moved on.
or the parents went forward to the fence

was the table, was the chair, sat a child,
in the kitchen and ate, was it silent in the hall,
did no one wander around counting their own
steps, the window cross whiter than usual

their feet drawn close and hold their suitcases tight.
they contain: savings in plastic wrap, mother's
gold jewelry, three photos, two letter, the passport.

russian woods, what we hooted about, where
we didn't go, where sheaves of light shot up to
the spruce crowns, red, where the ashes

i have forgotten the names of the large birds
each june a brood falls from the ridge of a barn that now
stands empty. later in the year they stand stiffly on the fields,
from the street the coats curdled white, from a distance

in these halls it comes to pass as on all
sinking ships of history: physics
and morals mean nothing to you.

my cap'n! / sinking the ship
in the afternoon tea, the taciturn
creases on the edge of the table,
corners on corners, tillerman's

was sky, was earth, both of us on it,
between them the birds flew in swarms,
lifted off, which held us there, and plunged
again, each bird kept its distance from the

this draft from talk: tangled syllables
at the bottom of lungs, the delicate limbs
of serifs on tongues, the smell of damp
paper. tell me about eurasia, about the clean

the gull‘s wings at the harbor, two make a pair, was a bird,
a limber animal. lift the feet and reach out wide, hold
each other to climb easier, don't look at the whitish fabric

hochverehrtes Publikum, hören Sie bitte
haarscharf vorbei. folgen Sie bitte der Klangspur

des elektronischen Gedichtes entlang
der Lautsprecherboxen. sehen Sie schon

Musik und Geräusche? hören Sie schon
die farbigen Lichter? das elektronische Gedicht

ist ein Gedicht im Gedicht und gut
in den Wellenformen der Zukunft versteckt

die im nächsten Moment schon wieder
Vergangenheit ist. an den Ohren von Edgard

Varèses Enkeln schwebt es - vorbei

ladies and gentlemen, if you please, listen
a whisker to the side and beyond follow

the sound trace of the electronic poem on its path
past the speaker boxes. can you already see

music and sound? can you already hear
the coloured lights? the electronic poem

is a poem within a poem and well
hidden in the wave forms of the future

that one moment later is already
our history. it hovers by the ears of Edgard

Varèse's grandchildren - and past.

dieses Gedicht ist vollkommen durchsichtig
das ist gar nicht lesbar. das ist so gut

wie nicht da. das wurde noch gar nicht
geschrieben. das vollkommene Gedicht wird

nur gesungen und gesprochen, gespielt und
gehört und wieder von vorn abgespielt:

Geräusche in einem dunklen Gebäude
wie jene im Magen eines, o, großen Fisches

aus leuchtenden Dioden. Sie sehen gar nichts?
dann schauen Sie bitte knapp dran - vorbei

Ulrike Almut Sandig Biography

Ulrike Almut Sandig was born in Großenhain (Saxony), in 1979, and grew up in the German town of Riesa, near Dresden. After working in France for a year, she moved to Leipzig in 1998, where she still lives today. She made several extended study-trips to India, and together with Marlen Pelny founded the literary project 'augenpost' (Poetry for all, www.augenpost.de), where the two brought poetry to the streets of Leipzig, pasting poems on lampposts, traffic lights, and building hoardings. She completed her degree in Religious Studies and modern Indian languages and literature in 2005)

The Best Poem Of Ulrike Almut Sandig


good evening, Deutschland, turn the fog lights on
we're after telling it like it is, being on cue:

those who want in must chomp their way through
a cake that's not found anywhere in Grimm;

those who want out are gone in two shakes, quicker
than the time it takes to think of a four-syllable word.

just say three times: milkandhoney, milkandhoney.
we've lost our way in your shopping malls

can't tell them apart any more. in Höxter
a fat girl buys an angel of clay and asks

at the till: what does hope mean? in Steinheim
Hakan drinks his coffee strong, he dreamed again he swam across a honey-cake-Mediterranean
sea only to be beached at last on the streets

the brown-silt sands of the Land of Milk and Honey.
in Jena after a three-year trial a priest receives

a hefty fine, for driving towards a police car
to avoid colliding with the line of demonstrators.

my homeland is not only the cities and villages…
it's also the doorman before them. I dreamed

he looks like Kaya Yanar and asks for the code word:
tell me the land where the donkeys have silver noses.

say it three times over: you're not getting in,
you're not getting in, you're -

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