Timothy Branch

Timothy Branch Poems


Which one prevails
Heads or tails
Mine or His
His endures

Pens pen concealed, unspoken things.
Pens reveals hearts and what's between ones ears
Pens at times articulate positions that garner support of bills turned into laws.
Pens at times condemn, type cast, or tempt one to fall or just really address flaws.

Its alright to have fun but don't let fun have you.
Fun can seize, overwhelm, and embarrass you.
Seldom is a fool the same after fun fingers a score of lasting sour notes for those you entertained.
Have fun and have a limit for such.

Without fads, would you have style? Some become incensed if told they have no fashion sense. Choose sense that seldom changes without good reason as fads come and go without rhyme nor reason.

Without saying, when abbreviated it's just four letters required to say it. How did you SNOL? What did you say?
When you SNOL, do you dial a phone number, wait for someone to answer just to give them empty breaths from your end? Or do you beckon a driving passerby to the curbside only to SNOL? Or is social media the way to seize an even larger captive audience to SNOL?

I got one better for those listening and or reading. The daily dosage of empty news releases of the failed leadership of the elected select few. Voted in, paid by, given lifetime benefits, and sent to Washington, D.C. by me and you.

Blows by but at a stand still
Wind rustle the light varied leaves that hustle
Energies that lack speed as I remain motionless
Birds fly as eyes grow dim

For a season
Anticipation heightens
Temptation to act without any endurance
Kicking against the fruit of longsuffering

No matter what the challenge may be, you rose to the occasion without compromise or yielding to sinful temptation.
When those said your look or plight in this nation would hinder you from full assimilation, you soared to reach the highest office in the most powerful nation.
Despite the breakdown of the family unit, your women rose to birth, rear, and guide great men.
Amid staunch opposition, you wanted full acceptance to a nation divided over such inclusion.

One time If given the chance, incredulous would be their uncontrollable and jovial dance.
Never did I fathom having the chance to give into one's life a chance to fulfill a lifelong dream.
To see the adulation in the heart of the beneficiary of your gracious gift sends feelings of goodness like God's fanning hand sends ripples into waves that tickle the seashores.

Franchising, visionary
Compelling takes no yelling
Persuasion, hear what I'm saying?
Look eye to eye

Contradict the plan for it, it will attack.
Block the hand of life's giver,
Expect its failure
The state of one's heart largely depends on its occupant

Everything seen should not be shown.
Some of those things are unforgettable.
A still shot the mind can't block at times regrettably the image in now frozen.
At times once seen by you and me we both wish we could melt it.

Watching steadfast rocks pass waves downstream.
Watching ants scurry to and fro stacking hills sky high.
Watching birds soar high in formation with visions, a plan and a mission set on arriving in a warmer destination.
Hearing street sounds as cars leave the city limits for the quiet found in the countryside and sunsets as wide as eyes can see on both sides.

I should be free to fly.
I can't be held by what you see.
You didn't see me when cover covered me.
I could not be seen when I was wound and bound.


Waste never just happens.
Poor planning causes waste to happen.
Suppose I need some things but I fail to purpose intently on just those things in a place of many things.
Impulse tells me that I need everything.


Flight requires wings.
Walking feet never enable flight.
Destiny is attached to the successful use of wings.
Trust those wings.

Pursuing what is true one can't help to find truth.
Hoping for what is good bears fruit of goodness.
Living by faith because everything I have, hope, imagine to have or keep depends on it.
Serving others like I desire to be served.

Timothy Branch Biography

As a young student words were intriguing. I'd study them and learn them to compete in spelling bee competitions. I then discovered the joy of writing rhythmic prose and sentences in patterns like other poems that others wrote. But then I began to write my own as I experienced things, people, and places. I now write with hopes to fulfill the need of that one reader in search of what I write. I write every jot with that one reader in mind each time that I write.)

The Best Poem Of Timothy Branch


Which one prevails
Heads or tails
Mine or His
His endures
Mine titillates
But dissipates
Was short-lived
Will you?
Fail to obey,
You pay
Each day the length of life shortens
The time between now and then moves from right to left
Closer now to your last breath
Disobey, pay today.
Is it this will or that will?
Which will will rule your day?

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