Twenty-First. Night. Monday

Twenty-first. Night. Monday.
Silhouette of the capitol in darkness.
Some good-for-nothing -- who knows why--
made up the tale that love exists on earth.

People believe it, maybe from laziness
or boredom, and live accordingly:
they wait eagerly for meetings, fear parting,
and when they sing, they sing about love.

Crossing Brooklyn Ferry

FLOOD-TIDE below me! I watch you face to face;
Clouds of the west! sun there half an hour high! I see you also face
to face.

Crowds of men and women attired in the usual costumes! how curious
you are to me!
On the ferry-boats, the hundreds and hundreds that cross, returning
home, are more curious to me than you suppose;
And you that shall cross from shore to shore years hence, are more to

Men! ! ! !

Men lament that they have no time to do things
needed being done.

Yet, they sit wasting time, watching T.V. for
hours at a time.

Not associating it with their apparent laziness
and lack of initiative.

Take-Home Pay

Now that you arrived in the afterlife,
What was your earned income?

Hope you did not see the ugliness
Of laziness, greediness, and loftiness,
Damaging gratifications of hideous temptations,
Deadly leprosy of hidden jealousy,
The unsightliness of superfluity,
The repulsiveness of impurity and irascibility.

The Poet

The riches of the poet are equal to his poetry
His power is his left hand
It is idle weak and precious
His poverty is his wealth, a wealth which may destroy him
like Midas Because it is that laziness which is a form of impatience
And this he may be destroyed by the gold of the light
which never was
On land or sea.
He may be drunken to death, draining the casks of excess
That extreme form of success.

A Fable For Critics

Phoebus, sitting one day in a laurel-tree's shade,
Was reminded of Daphne, of whom it was made,
For the god being one day too warm in his wooing,
She took to the tree to escape his pursuing;
Be the cause what it might, from his offers she shrunk,
And, Ginevra-like, shut herself up in a trunk;
And, though 'twas a step into which he had driven her,
He somehow or other had never forgiven her;
Her memory he nursed as a kind of a tonic,
Something bitter to chew when he'd play the Byronic,

On Children's Day.

On the children's day,
To the Lord I pray.
May God bless,
To one and all success.
To be a good teacher,
And humanity preacher.
To be a fine weaver,
Of virtues and character.
I pray to the Lord,
To all children award.

A Lounger

He leant against a lamp-post, lost
In some mysterious reverie:
His head was bowed; his arms were crossed;
He yawned, and glanced evasively:
Uncrossed his arms, and slowly put
Them back again, and scratched his side--
Shifted his weight from foot to foot,
And gazed out no-ward, idle-eyed.

Grotesque of form and face and dress,

New Attire And

New attire and
Sunday,9th May 2021

It is me in a new attire
people may satire
and pass the comments
but I love to present as I look like

it made me to come out with a new outlook
shrug off the laziness and look forward

Weed Out The Indolent And Corrupt

You got your seat
Without any drop of sweat
Relied on your grandfather
Your namesake
And full time provider.

Your platform of government
Was capitalized
On his exemplary service
Integrity beyond reproach

Homes Of Poverty

Laziness and idleness
Are homes
Of Poverty.

Copyright 2021, Rose Marie Juan-Austin, All Rights Reserved

La Chevelure (Her Hair)

Ô toison, moutonnant jusque sur l'encolure!
Ô boucles! Ô parfum chargé de nonchaloir!
Extase! Pour peupler ce soir l'alcôve obscure
Des souvenirs dormant dans cette chevelure,
Je la veux agiter dans l'air comme un mouchoir!

La langoureuse Asie et la brûlante Afrique,
Tout un monde lointain, absent, presque défunt,
Vit dans tes profondeurs, forêt aromatique!
Comme d'autres esprits voguent sur la musique,

The Coach Of Life

Although her load is sometimes heavy,
The coach moves at an easy pace;
The dashing driver, gray-haired time
Drives on, secure upon his box.

At dawn we gaily climb aboard her
We're ready for a crazy ride,
And scorning laziness and languor,
We shout: 'Get on, there! Don't delay!'

You Are Late

In my laziness
I started late
To meet you,
You talked to me
Your voice trembling
You were in great pain
But your courage
You did not make me realize
You asked me that I pray for you
I left you to others care

La Serpent Qui Danse (The Dancing Serpent)

Que j'aime voir, chère indolente,
De ton corps si beau,
Comme une étoffe vacillante,
Miroiter la peau!

Sur ta chevelure profonde
Aux âcres parfums,
Mer odorante et vagabonde
Aux flots bleus et bruns,

No Tomorrow And

No tomorrow
Wednesday,4th July 2018

Yes no wait for anything
before it seals the fate for everything
get on fast with the target
and never get late

the year may have many days
but it may stall the way

Order To The Mind

Satan residing little mind
Listen to my words from today
Don't you go searching alone
For Im your leader, you better know
Mother Sakthi's feet and
Righteousness, as what I proclaim to be
Without laziness you shall stand and work
I sermonize, abide and you will live high.

The Dice Player

Who am I to say to you
what I say to you?
I was not a stone polished by water
and became a face
nor was I a cane punctured by the wind
and became a flute...

I am a dice player,
Sometimes I win and sometimes I lose
I am like you

*****ray's Favorite Writings*****


The Master spoke…

Brethren, I speak to thee of Light:

The dark/cold void is dead,
The Light warm and life-giving

Verily I say unto thee,

Pickthorn Manor


How fresh the Dartle's little waves that day!
A steely silver, underlined with blue,
And flashing where the round clouds, blown away,
Let drop the yellow sunshine to gleam through
And tip the edges of the waves with shifts
And spots of whitest fire, hard like gems
Cut from the midnight moon they were, and sharp
As wind through leafless stems.