From Dependency To Independency

I was born to live for myself!
A selfish infant,
I knew only my mother
as she fed me.
She fulfilled all my needs
So I developed a trust in her.
I had no alternate but to love my mother,
I was a dependent on her.
I loved her silky hairs.
I loved her gorgeous face.

The Courage Of Shutting-Up

The courage of the shut mouth, in spite of artillery!
The line pink and quiet, a worm, basking.
There are black disks behind it, the disks of outrage,
And the outrage of a sky, the lined brain of it.
The disks revolve, they ask to be heard—

Loaded, as they are, with accounts of ****ies.
****ies, usages, desertions and doubleness,
The needle journeying in its groove,
Silver beast between two dark canyons,

(limerick) Intro To A Tom Swifty # 51

(limerick)Intro To A Tom Swifty# 51

Using licorise sticks seems absurd
For constructing a wheel oh my word
My bike has a tendency
To lack independency
And it wobbles.. has somebody erred?

said Tom... SOFT SPOKEnly

Teenage Turmoil

You're fifteen nearly sixteen but still a child to me

Even though you're now a young man and want some independency

I'm your Dad and that means that you live here by my rules

They exist to protect you and not meant to be cruel
'I want you home at 7 O'clock', you needn't shake your head

'Cause you're studying for your exams Son and you need to get to bed


Axiomatic all,
My dresses, my
Changing clothes,
My beginning and
Ending and my
Transmigrating to
You, in detached
Manner though.
My independency is
Spontaneous, and

To Define You

It is not possible
to define you.

My imagination fail
My independency deteriorated
while trying to go somewhere.

Nothing is easier
nothing to relaxed.

Waters Of Grief

Could stagnant waters stare into grief?
Could blame be cast on shadowy streets?
My hearts are structured on unique winds,
Blowing through the veins and arteries of size.
I preserve hearing and seeing for glories
Seized by soldiers from heaven and hell,
Both styles within, both fears without.
That form of straight road is again in flight,
Crazy fierce armies of hate are arranged before
Me, like phalanxes of mighty hearts


Not belonging to anyone
Is for commitment to no one.
Such one is free to criticize
Anyone at will anytime.
Not dependable to any,
He is isolated by all.

A Time Has Now Come (From, Myspace)

A time has now come
For your voices to follow
Where tides are turning from
The days of demise hollow
Those voices mean to me
And have been before spoken
That the streets of the free
In the distances are woken

A chorus of ascendancy

They Don't Know What They Want

They don't know what they want.
To get it.
To get it.
With it to get.
They don't know what they want.
To get it.
To get it.
Then to quit.

They want to fight for their rights.

From Those Innocent Beginnings

My anger and how that is expressed,
Is inherited.
From an initiation process.

My parents donated sperm and a womb.
With an implantation done.
Allowing my birth and breath to breathe.
With some uncomfortable yelling...
Heard by everyone.

To Have In Common

The only thing,
Many seem to have in common these days.
Is an indulgence to diminish,
A quality of life.
With activities attempted,
To have it done.
Until that quality fades away.

Few daily review,
The preamble to the Constitution.

Few People Are Not Liars

Is it meant to be...
People are made dependent.
With dependency to keep.

Is it meant to be...
People are made to leech.
On people they can deplete.

Why is it people,
Deny and lie?


We all have always had a need,
For one another.
Be we black, brown, white or yellow.
Or a blending mix to claim,
Our ethnic heritage has more meaning...
If associated to royal blood.

Continue we feast individually.
With a possession of obsessed selfishness.
As few perceive themselves exceptions.

No Matter What The Consequences

Even when warned...
People will choose to walk,
Down the wrong streets.
And do the complete opposite,
In disbelief.

And when they hit brick walls,
They wish to be rescued.
And given relief.
Not to learn anything...

Visions Of The Illumination

Illustrative craftsmanship embroiders
an elegant tapestry of patterning
sequences bringing a visual hypnosis.
Within this embryonic romance
an apprenticeship is commencing
a supersonic metamorphosis
ispiring yielding spirits to dance.
The choreographic emphasis
is deliberating a resonance
reverberating resourcefully, inclining

Two Is, No Doubt, Better Than One

Two is, no doubt, better than one.
It is why you needn't have
To share your breath
Like ideas and love.
No matter how brilliant you are
Your brain needs to borrow
Knowledge and information
From outside.
Similarly your heart needs
To share its beats

Stop Expecting Anything From

Stop Expecting Anything From
Friends, relatives and your own
Beloved husband or wife.
Why you permit them to disappoint
Or eager to give them credit of..
Try to stand in your own legs
Why do search for wheelchair
When you have strong legs in pair.
Whenever instinct of expectations
Evoke and evolve inside you

I'M An African Poet

i'm an african poet
i hail from the dark soil
baked by the southern sun
coated in my glaringly black skin
yet nop self-pity governs me
as i rise from the dark ashes of independency
to my tormented self
this is one prescription you won't find in pharmacies

i'm an african poet

Beating The Odds

There were times when inspiration became sparse,
When rte closest people to me derided me,
Calling my attempts stagnant dreams,
Frivolous dreams

There were times when I could no longer
Keep up with the sarcasm, when I could no longer
Placate my weeping heart
I almost let the bitter flays get the better of me