Blood All Over

Blood spilled all over on ground
Bodies scattered and in mutilation found
Fresh wave of violence gaining round
Hatred, distrust reign with system sound

Who are people doing all criminal acts?
Why not all come to sense and react?
Is it the only way out to combat terrorism?
Are we not to be blamed for all kinds of “ism”?


It reminded me off years of marriage
Life passed easily on simple carriage
Happy days with joy and I could manage
Nothing went wrong with time and passage

Bad days and cruel luck would have it
Lamp went off suddenly and could not be lit
Fate severely struck with perfect hit
He was taken away within a minute

Ann Arbor Variations

Wet heat drifts through the afternoon
like a campus dog, a fraternity ghost
waiting to stay home from football games.
The arches are empty clear to the sky.

Except for the leaves: those lashes of our
thinking and dreaming and drinking sight.
The spherical radiance, the Old English
look, the sum of our being, "hath perced


What can be termed as mood?
Can that be called conducive for good?
Situation may not take you out of wood
You may not even like or prefer food

It is perfect condition to emit ideas
Nothing will be heard even good pleas
Good melody may also fall to deaf ears
Perfection may take longer or even years

The Odyssey


Tell me, O muse, of that ingenious hero who travelled far and wide
after he had sacked the famous town of Troy. Many cities did he visit,
and many were the nations with whose manners and customs he was
acquainted; moreover he suffered much by sea while trying to save
his own life and bring his men safely home; but do what he might he
could not save his men, for they perished through their own sheer
folly in eating the cattle of the Sun-god Hyperion; so the god

Passing Out

The doctor fingers my bruise.
"Magnificent," he says, "black
at the edges and purple
cored." Seated, he spies for clues,
gingerly probing the slack
flesh, while I, standing, fazed, pull

for air, losing the battle.
Faced by his aged diploma,
the heavy head of the X-

A Ballad Of Fair Ladies In Revolt


See the sweet women, friend, that lean beneath
The ever-falling fountain of green leaves
Round the white bending stem, and like a wreath
Of our most blushful flower shine trembling through,
To teach philosophers the thirst of thieves:
Is one for me? is one for you?


The True-Blue American

Jeremiah Dickson was a true-blue American,
For he was a little boy who understood America, for he felt that he must
Think about everything; because that’s all there is to think about,
Knowing immediately the intimacy of truth and comedy,
Knowing intuitively how a sense of humor was a necessity
For one and for all who live in America. Thus, natively, and
Naturally when on an April Sunday in an ice cream parlor Jeremiah
Was requested to choose between a chocolate sundae and a banana split

The Empty Purse--A Sermon To Our Later Prodigal Son

Thou, run to the dry on this wayside bank,
Too plainly of all the propellers bereft!
Quenched youth, and is that thy purse?
Even such limp slough as the snake has left
Slack to the gale upon spikes of whin,
For cast-off coat of a life gone blank,
In its frame of a grin at the seeker, is thine;
And thine to crave and to curse
The sweet thing once within.
Accuse him: some devil committed the theft,

1 Awesome God! (Speak The Word Only)

Praise God! Yes! He's the only 1 who is truly Awesome,
Hell No! Satan is simply not all that powerful and great,
What kind of lord and master gets locked in a bottomless bit?
Especially without his own key to unlock the gate?

There is not a mix up of words because I do mean a bottomless 'bit, '
In Webster's it's, 'two alternatives' it was Satan who chose the 'pit, '
1st Kings18: 21, 'how long between 2 opinions' which do you choose?
Only difference between fighting and quitting, the latter will surely lose.


Between the green bud and the red
Youth sat and sang by Time, and shed
From eyes and tresses flowers and tears,
From heart and spirit hopes and fears,
Upon the hollow stream whose bed
Is channelled by the foamless years;
And with the white the gold-haired head
Mixed running locks, and in Time's ears
Youth's dreams hung singing, and Time's truth
Was half not harsh in the ears of Youth.

0375 Season Of Mists And Merry Mythfulness

Pennsylvania classroom at a
quarter to four..
leaving all your Bio. notes
for checking, at the door…

With exquisite timing, a Pennsylvania judge
has ruled that the wonders of biology, as
revealed by the dissection of neatly-pinned frogs
and suchlike squeamy miracles of internal packaging

Difficult Ways

Troops are put on maximum alert and withdrawn
Defense thinned elsewhere when battle lines are drawn
Opportunities explored and strict vigil maintained
No loop holes or breach in security ascertained

Generally mutiny is not tolerated and quelled
Enemy’s thrust is halted and repelled
All might is thrown to thwart or repulse
To make sure that it is ……………

The Cross

There is a place that some men know,
I cannot see the whole of it
Nor how I came there. Long ago
Flame burst out of a secret pit
Crushing the world with such a light
The day-sky fell to moonless black,
The kingly sun to hateful night
For those, once seeing, turning back:
For love so hates mortality
Which is the providence of life

'A Modern Mazeppa —

A Nebraska Cattle Owner Lashed to a Wild Broncho -

For a Week He is
Carried About the Plains,
Without Food or Water. -...
When discovered
The modern Mazeppa
Was lashed to the horse,
Entirely naked and unconscious.

Are Einstein's Views On Relativity And E=mc2 Valid?

One seldom hears anyone criticize Einstein, his views and work. I thought I would publish some of his critics.

First for a scathing review of Einstein's work and the history of E=Mc2 see the link below copy and paste into your browser.

http: //

One seldom hears a serious critique of Einstein, his work and views. For a scathing critique of Einstein, his views and work see the link below:

http: //

1106 Planetary Haiku

SUN our providence
from its nuclear fusion
energy for free!

MERCURY nearest Sun
name for a liquid metal
too hot for comfort.

VENUS love planet
bonding Mercury and Earth

A Reckless Killings

When will terrorists stop gunning people?
When will they roam freely and been able?
To resume day to day work with peace
Why do we feel insecure and miss?

Lot many questions in mind for an easy answer
No one comes forward with solutions for fewer
Who do you think will benefit out of this?
Do they really mean to be loyal to death kiss?

New Ground

New ground

Who shall take you to paradise?
The question arises
In mind with so many questions
And expects well deserving reasons too

Man should think realistically
It is not good morally too
Hard work is the only option

Time In Division And Multiplication (Stanza)

The seven days of each week are coming by turns
As a great system of night and day and time division,
One day is divided by a certain number
Again multiplied by a certain number
To get certain division and multiplication of time,
In our world day is the great unit of time
Hour, minute and second are the division of day
Month, week, year and century are the multiplication of day,
Some regional alternatives of day and night exist
As, in the two poles, a 24 hours, sunny or dark a day is fixed.