stephh marie

stephh marie Poems

fall in love
dont fall fast
make it count to make it last.
dnt hold it in

yo le pegunte a mi padre del amor y la inocencia de la fe la pacencia y sabes lo que dijo.
hija siempre es mejor ignorar el corazon hazle case tu concencia...
yo le pregunte a mi madre del amor que tenia y dijo que eran fantasias.
y ahora que no te tengo pienso en todo el tiempo el perdido que perdir contigo pues por amar a ciegas yo

I ShEd A TeAr tOdAY
siLeNtLy iT FeLl
YOu cAuGhT iT
sHARed It

I LoVe yOu mA
I CoUlDnT LiVe wItHOuT yA
eVeN ThOuGh yOu dIdNt HaVe a sON
yOu sTiLl tReAt mE LiKe iM nUmBeR OnE

Do yOu kNoW wHat A PlAyer Is?
YoU DoNt wAnNa Be wItH oNE
tHeY LiKe tO MeSs wItH YoUr fEeLiNgs
ThEy dOnT CaRe aBoUt yOu at ALl

I JuS Met mAttHeW LaSt YeAr ThRoUgH A FrIeND nAMed SusIE
mE AnD MAtThEw tAlKeD EvErYdAy eVeR SiNce..
ThEN We fOuNd oUrSeLvEs StArTiNg tO LiKe EaChOtHeR
We wEnT OuT FoR aBouT 2 MoNtHs AnD wE wErE BoTh sO HaPpY

what is stress?
To Me stress is when u have too much to handle. whether it be family problems or anything little thinq that really gets to you.
well in my case its a family problem.
I miss my brother so much and i havent seen him since Xmas.

Im so confused
When we were younger we always used to play games and laugh
Now that we got a little older we barely have time to see each other
Im a little angry cuz’ I guess you forgot my birthday

The Best Poem Of stephh marie

Tired Of This=[ Wish I Can Do Somethiin

iM TirEd of mOst Of mY cLaSs mAteS MAkINg fUn of ThIS GiRL.
sHE's A rEaLLy bIg gIRL. AnD EvERyTiMe PeOpLE makE JoKeS on HeR, sHE LAuGHs ALoNg wiTh THeM.. bUt I KNo sHE iS hUrt dEeP iNsIDe=[
i wISh I cAN do SOmetHiNG bUt i dOnT KnOW wHAT To Do.

stephh marie Comments

mariee castrro 18 December 2008

comment dudesz! ! lol

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