shivani pillai Poems

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My Classroom

A classroom is a jewel,
Among one of the beautie's to dwell,
A clssroom is a place where teachers teach,
professors preach,

School- My Palace

For me school is a palace,
with teachers excelling in solace,
School is a sapling of wisdom and wealth,
known for not burdening us to death,

My Wonderful Nature

As I walked through the grass,
It felt like eternal brass,
through the meadows I went on an oak tree I lent,
The sight of the mighty hills,


Oh my teacher you are the one,
Without whom Iam none,
You teaching is always filled with fun,
Which makes you shine brightly like the sun,

Lonely World

What is in a lonely world?
where there is no one to speak a word,
Pressing with you thoughts and sorrows,
Which no soul mercifies and borrows,

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