RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Sharing Essences

Talented people gathering together, sharing their creative essences with one another, bringing about changes in everyone's perspectives.
A coagulated persistence aiding in bringing up many aspects of an endorsed faction of mild purposes.

Validating Abandonment

Autonomous gatherings of ideas being generated by sorrow, grief and remorse.
Validating the expanse of abandonment living within, taking up room without any involvement whatsoever.
Letting go without a word left, sorrow's tears now replacing words in verse.

Hoping For Insight

Excruciating agony being held at bay for now, yet knowing it will break free eventually, tearing me into sorrowful pieces of decimating life.
Traveling into pleasurable designs is not possible right now, so I place myself into cages of anger and blame, hoping to gain some insight of the problems probing my mind from another human being.

Percolating Senses

Darkened shadows hiding in corners of my mind, timidly watching goings on in close surroundings.
Exercising a sadness filled with a bluened fasade of untoward feelings, causing a lonely emptiness to be elicited from depths of an eternal waterfall of abandonment.
Taking time to conquer fears and doubts, ongoing senses, percolating in deepening emotions waiting to be let out and aired.

Blatant Anger

Sweetly singing melodies, taking part in a sublime pastime of peace and serenity.
A calming effect taking place, soothing over anger's blatant facade for now.
Adjoining partners in sublime contemplation, forgiving another's presence with appreciation for what good was done when together.

Imagination's Roller Coasters

Sun shining upon a cold stone day, taking in visions and their details, absorbing them onto photographic screens, taking time to watch their memories fill my mind.
Walking through them like piles of leaves raked together.
Causing rearranging to alter each picture and bring it into focus for another aspect of life and its' always changing features.

Processing Information

Seething inside with anger, erupting silently with no reason to exist.
There are too many faulty ideas in life, where can anyone turn?
Alone, processing information from what I can gather without.
Holding onto nothing but an independence of being.

Confrontational Avenues

Tossing upon waves of infuriating motion, being taken away in confrontational avenues of another human being.
Sojournly, tears falling, enticing sobs of a lifetime into eliciting themselves before the end is near.

Objective Endeavors

Slowly moving around spacious designs being filtered from reality's depths, enjoying the beautiful, prismic rainbows floating above auras of intense desire.
Scanning pictures, taking whatever can be salvaged from a hurricane of emotional turmoil.
Subjectively considering all entries into creativeness, giving away all of self in objective endeavors of my mind.

Imaginative Skies

Sailing across imaginative skies, touching live wires inside, shocking waves of intellect, bringing it to an understanding of creative images.
Beginning to see the sadness left behind from childhood - the lonely abandonment kept inside, always skirting and touching it full on.

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