Rodrig Andrisan

Rodrig Andrisan Poems

Since you're not mine anymore,
I'm doing every morning to myself a shot of optimism,
I'd do it to you too, but you're so far,
and the wounds of the soul, unfortunately,

I've falled in love with you 4 to 5 billion years ago,
when you were a doll made of loess, and I was an organ of wind.
You confessed me then that you wanted to be a cave,
and I a hot geyser, permanently flooding you.

M-am îndrăgostit de tine acum 4-5 miliarde de ani,
pe cînd erai o păpuşă de loess, iar eu o orgă de vînt.
Mi-ai mărturisit atunci ca ai fi vrut să fi o peşteră,
iar eu un gheizer fierbinte, să te inund permanent.

At first I couldn't find myself and felt always limping.
I can't find a good rhyme to limping.
When I used to say something,
I've been doing that because no one knew

La început nu mă găseam şi simţeam şontîc.
Nu găsesc rimă la şontîc.
Cînd spuneam cîte ceva,
o făceam pentru că nimeni nu ştia

De cînd nu mai eşti a mea,
îmi fac în fiecare dimineaţă o injecţie cu optimism,
ţi-aş face şi ţie, dar eşti atît de departe,
iar rănile din suflet, din păcate,

The Egyptian Pharaohs
eat rice with milk
with a little spoon
and they put

Faraonii egipteni
manîncă orez cu lapte
cu linguriţa
şi îşi pun

Oceanul mai există doar în închipuirea mea.
îi simt valurile,
zdrumicîndu-se de pereţii cutiei craniene.
Întregul trup mi se zbate în înalta inerţie

Always you, the one from now, deep inside me,
and I, the one of anytime,
we flew one through each other.
You through me,

Întotdeauna tu, cea de acum, din mine,
şi eu, cel de oricînd,
am zburat unul prin celălalt.
Tu prin mine,

Come to me to wash your little mouth of melancholy,
look, your shoulders and your breasts are both dirty.
I would give anything for a smile of yours,
the same blond and gentle, the one as a solar reverberation,

Vino să te şterg la botic de melancolie,
uite, ţi-ai murdărit şi umerii şi sînii.
Aş da orice pentru un zîmbet de-al tău,
de-ăla blînd sau blond, ca o reverberaţie solară,

The two World Wars never happened.
No other lower.
Hitler, Stalin, Mao, did not exist.
Instead, the trees have denied modesty

I do not go to sleep in the fields,
eyes fixed to the sky,
looking for God in the clouds.
I know HE's not there,

Eu nu mă culc pe cîmp,
cu ochii aţintiţi spre cer,
căutîndu-l pe Dumnezeu printre nori.
Ştiu că EL nu e acolo,

Cele doua războaie mondiale nu au avut loc.
Nici celelalte mai mici.
Hitler, Stalin, Mao, nu au existat.
În schimb, copacii şi-au lepădat pudoarea

The grass was high,
and in the air floated
a pleasant aroma of wild flowers.
All the vegetation was spreading a pungent smell,

Rodrig Andrisan Biography

Rodrig Andrisan was born on October 7,1958, in Bucharest, Romania. Debut as Actor in 2010, in London, United Kingdom. He is also a poet, writer and journalist, having over 1,000 articles published in various newspapers and magazines and 2 books published: " Giants of Rock Music" (1991) and " The Unnamed Puppy" (1996) . Between 1991 and 2007, thousands of movies translated from English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, into Romanian, live at the Romanian Film Archive and various film festivals (Dakino, European Film Festival) and, with script, at several TV networks. Rodrig Andrisan has many films under his belt (Feature Films, Shorts, Music Videos, Commercials) , in which he appeared as an Actor, portraying very different characters, thanks to his natural look " all ethnicities" . Writing poetry is like breathing for him so, he continues to breath...)

The Best Poem Of Rodrig Andrisan

Winged Love Is Growing In Trees

Since you're not mine anymore,
I'm doing every morning to myself a shot of optimism,
I'd do it to you too, but you're so far,
and the wounds of the soul, unfortunately,
they can not be disinfected,
in vain grew a cathedral in my chest,
I think I have a deviated septum,
which always leads my thoughts to you.
You ran from me exactly on our wedding day,
somewhere between Mars and Jupiter,
on one of those small celestial bodies,
called planetoids or asteroids,
and you hid in a gully vacuum,
you thought I'll never find you again.
How could you hope that I will lose you,
when I have you in me all the time,
in the depths of my soul?
I see you from here, from Earth,
how you struggle there all alone,
You knew what I feel for you,
that's why you chose the way of escape,
being unable to love as much as I do...

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