Pradip Chattopadhyay Poems

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1924: A Love Story

The day you walked in
Stood on my door
You were nineteen
I was twenty four.

Love Is Our Weapon

A long road ahead, that's no scare
We can surely make it, the will is there.
The way is tough, terrain treacherous
But cover we shall, we can all of us.

2 Lovers

On her course merrily flows the svelte rivulet
She meanders not alone carries the sky on her breast.
In him grows a longing, love flowers in his heart
She doesn’t know it, on the sea is set her heart.

10 Kittens

Ten kittens in my home now
Ten little brats
Their mothers never knew how
To catch the cupboard rats!

Wide Eyed

He lies wide eyed.

The opaque stream reflects no sky
betrays no emotions

Boys Will Be Boys

I know I invite reproach
When I speak aloud in wonder
Why boys are the first to approach
And girls are mere responders!

3 Horses

There are three horses pulling your life
Attitude, want, and of course your wife
The first pulls you through life's high and low
The second pulls you to where monies flow

Love Is Made That Way

I carry you in my heart
But you are far away
Sometimes though love lasts
It’s so you don’t stay.

Time Management (10w)

On This Day

My sweetest times were spent with them
They brought me here gave me a name
The only ones to be called my own
Now shadowy reflections in my moments alone!

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