Zz Toxins In Cow And/Or Pig, Sheep, Bird, Fish Flesh, And/Or Animal Products Poem by Saiom Shriver

Zz Toxins In Cow And/Or Pig, Sheep, Bird, Fish Flesh, And/Or Animal Products

Toxins In Cow, Pig, Sheep, Bird, Fish Flesh, And Animal Products A Partial List

1 Some are diseases resulting from consuming animal flesh
2 Some of these toxins are intrinsic to all cadaver 'foods'.
3 Some are zoonotic diseases passed on to humans from animals or their factory farm waste.
4 Some are injected into animals or toxic additives in the food given to animals.
5 Some are added after the animal has been murdered.
6 Substances mammal, bird, fish flesh, eggs and dairy lack

I Diseases from consuming animal flesh:

acid reflux- meat, fish and eggs are acidifying. A number of diseases are caused by the body's acidification

addiction - addiction: The trioxypurines or uric acid in mammal, bird, and fish flesh are stronger than the

dioxypurines known as caffeine. When the animal was killed, she could not expel the uric acid in her blood stream.

It is addictive and a cause of artery plaque and arthritis as it crystallizes in needle formation.

alcoholism - studies including those by the vegetarian founders of the Salvation Army (from which diet that group

has fallen) found unusual success in treating alcoholism with vegetarian diet and that vegetarians were much less

likely to become alcoholics

Alzheimer's - caused by homocysteine in meat which turns to amyloid plaque

aneurisms- artery blockage due to animal fat, plaque

anger - the adrenaline secreted in agony and terror by animals on the way and in slaughterhouses is a hormone only

partially broken up by cooking... to eat meat is to eat the chemical equivalent of fright, anger, panic

anthrax- used to be called Wool Sorters' Disease

arthritis - the trioxypurines in meat (uric acid) would have been excreted had the animal not been killed. They

crystallize in needle formation around the joints, causing pain and rigidity.

autoimmune diseases - Every unique mammal, bird, or fish, every egg or dairy product, has its own unique matrix of organisms to which the human who eats the flesh or dairy must adapt. Eating flesh foods exhausts the immune system more than even the most promiscuous lifestyles.

breast cancer- from the female hormones forcibly given cows... hormones known to cause cancer and therefore banned by the European Union and others

cervical cancer from the female hormones forcibly given cows... hormones known to cause cancer and therefore banned by the European Union and others

depression - the adrenaline secreted in agony and terror by animals on the way and in slaughterhouses is an enzyme only partially broken up by cooking... to eat meat is to eat the chemical equivalent of fright, anger, panic

embolisms artery blockage due to animal fat, plaque

excess lactic acid - - Dr Irving Fisher of Yale was one of many studying the excess lactic acid in the muscles of nonvegetarians, negatively affecting endurance... similar to lions who must sleep for 3 days after a heavy carcass meal

excess sodium causing acidification of the body and in some cases heart attacks

food poisoning - animal flesh is a cut up cadaver... like all cadavers it rots

heart attacks Vegan and vegetarian hearts need fewer beats a minute to pump the same amount of blood

impotence affects untold millions... because animal fat clogs the reproductive arteries

intestinal cancer high correlation to meat consumption

kidney disease carnivores have 5 times the kidney size per pound that humans have

leukemia the Reagan and Obama administrations have both sped up the assembly lines at which meat inspectors stand as the cadavers whiz by There is no microscopic testing of cadavers approved... See Owen Parrett MD for the relationship of meat inspection to child leukemia His article is 'Why I Don't Eat Meat'

lou gehrig's disease


multiple sclerosis

ovarian cancer many kinds

pancreatic cancer

prostate cancer


smallpox used to be called cowpox or kine pox because that is its prime cause.

stearic acid used as a meat preservative... derived from mammal, bird and fish flesh

stomach cancer high correlation to fish consumption

strokes artery blockage due to amyloid plaque, animal fat,

uterine cancer

II Toxins Intrinsic in Animal Flesh

Adrenalin - the adrenaline secreted in agony and terror by animals on the way and in slaughterhouses is a hormone

only partially broken up by cooking... to eat meat is to eat the chemical equivalent of fright, anger, panic

Blood - some might call it juicy... nevertheless it is the shed blood of innocents

Cholesterol or animal fat, chief killer in the US, responsible for heart attacks, strokes, aneurisms, embolisms,

impotence as it clogs the arteries

Ecoli or colon bacteria John Harvey Kellogg, MD found that colon bacteria multiplied into the billions within 4

hours of death. Colon bacteria are a major cause of food poisoning.

Gangrene - from decaying animal flesh All meat is from a cadaver. Refrigeration can break down in several

Gelatin powdered animal bones

places: slaughterhouse, transportation trucks, warehouses, grocery stores, home freezers.

Homocysteine: animal flesh toxin which turns to amyloid plaque, the prime cause of Alzheimer's as it gradually

blocks crebral arteries

Insecticides in all nonorganic flesh, eggs and dairy - Many insecticides are cumulative and cause cancer in human

beings. The average 1000 pound cow ate 21,000 pounds of food containing nonbiodegradable insecticides. Meateaters

take in many times the insecticides of vegetarians, vegans, and fruitarians.

Maggots All meat is from a cadaver. Refrigeration can break down in several places: slaughterhouse,

transportation trucks, warehouses, grocery stores, home freezers.

Malonaldehyde: carcinogen created by heating meat above 300 degrees

Mercury - many meats contain mercury, a memory destroying metal

Methylcholanthrene - carcinogen created by heating meat above 300 degrees

Uric acid: - or preurine or trioxypurine... present in the blood stream and muscles of animals as they are being

murdered... it would have been expelled had they lived... it exhausts the kidneys

III Zoonotic Diseases: A Small Fraction of the Thousands of Diseases
Transmitted From Animals to Humans eating Them


Chicken Pox

Liver Flukes


smallpox - used to be called cowpox or kine pox





Worms - author of Diseases Of Food Animals, Owen S Parrett, MD, reported that there are worms in fish in even the

most pure waters

IV Toxins Given To The Animals

Antibiotics - scientists around the world are alarmed by the resistance to antibiotics developed by those who eat

animals or their products... MRSA is one disease developed because of caustic cleaning agents in antibiotics in

hospitals which have served to make stronger and stronger organisms

Arsenic has been deliberately added to chicken food see link below

Cadavers of birds and animals- are often mixed in with food given to animals

Female hormones... animals are injected with carcinogenic female hormones because first they produce more milk (with

horribly bloated udders 2. because they gain water weight before slaughter 3. because they are gentler

Wastelage - is 1 part animal waste,1 part grain. It is fed to the cows

V Toxins Added To Cadavers Or Animal Products

Bacteriophages viruses approved as an additive by the meat industry dominated FDA

Caffeine added to meats such as beef jerky.. the FDA does not require caffeine to be listed in the ingredients

Formaldehyde or other enbalming agents Meat is a carcass which decays

Irradiation approved by the meat industry dominatedFDA the FDA has increased the allowed amount of irradiation of food (radiation)

Isinglass... obtained from fish bladders... added to beer

MSG monosodium glutamate can be hidden under the label 'natural flavors' see link

Rennet enzymes in cows' and other ruminants' stomachs added to milk to make it curdle into cheese

Sodium Nitrate... a red food coloring used to cover meat which is often gray, brown, or green with discoloration.... Sodium nitrate combines with animal protein in the stomach to create carcinogenic nitrosamines

Stearic Acid is an animal derived carcinogen which causes neurotoxicity and organ toxicity

VI Substances Animal and Fish Flesh Lack

No forests an acorn potentially contains an oak and from that oak, forests of oak...whereas meat comes from

cattle or sheep ranches, for instance. Not only are trees cut down on cattle ranches by human beings, but cows and

sheep pull up grasses by their roots as well as sapling trees, causing drought.

No high vibrations meat is the densest and lowest vibration food.... next come to dairy and vegetables... the

highest vibrations are found in fruit

No natural fiber Meateaters have the highest rates of intestinal cancer. Fisheaters have the highest rates of

stomach cancer. Those who eat meat and dairy containing female hormones have the highest rates of reproductive


No pastel Colors Meat is brown or red or white...

No peace Meat is full of the chemical residue of the animals' agony (adrenaline) and this residue recreates

stress in humans who eat the animals

No vitamin C a vitamin C is the bouncer of the body facilitating toxin removal.. b.it also speeds up thought signals across the neurotransmitters... c in addition it firms the connective tissue of the body... it is anti wrinkles... d it is a nontoxic preservative

is in fresh (uncooked only) fruit

VII Toxins In Animal, Bird and Fish Flesh

alcoholism, *
amyloid plaque,
anthrax, *
autoimmune diseases
cadavers of other animals in the food
caffeine, *
cancers of many varieties
chicken pox
chlamydophila psittaci
coccidioidol mycosis
cryptosporidium parvum,
ecoli (colon bacteria)
excess lactic acid,
excess sodium
feather meal,
fecal matter,
female hormones,
formaldehyde or other enbalming agents
genetically modified food,
isinglass from fish bladders*
liver flukes
Mad Cow, bovine spongiform encephalopathy
Mad Deer, cervine spongiform encephalopathy
Mad Elk, cervine spongiform encephalopathy
Mad Fish, piscean spongiform encephalopathy
Mad Goat
Mad Pig, porcine spongiform encephalopathy
Mad Sheep ovine spongiform encephalopathy
Mad Turkey etc.

magnesium stearate
medication residues
monosodium glutamate MSG
no natural bulk,
no vitamin C,
polychlorinated biphenols,
preservatives, 63 approved in Canada
sodium nitrate
trichinosis, ,
trimethylamineoxide (TMAO) ,

The following are preservatives approved as additives to meat in Canada

63 Preservatives Allowed in Canada
http: //www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/securit/addit/list/11-preserv-conserv-eng.php#a2

Acetic Acid
Ascorbic Acid
Calcium Ascorbate
Erythorbic Acid
Iso-Ascorbic Acid
Potassium Nitrate*
Potassium Nitrite*
Sodium Ascorbate
Sodium Erythorbate
Sodium Iso-Ascorbate 1
Sodium Nitrate*
Sodium Nitrite
Wood Smoke
Benzoic Acid
Calcium Sorbate
Carnobacterium maltaromaticumCB
Ethyl lauroyl arginate
4-Hexylresorcinol for crustaceans
Methyl-ρ-hydroxy Benzoate
Methyl Paraben 2
Potassium Benzoate
Potassium Bisulphite
Potassium Lactate
Potassium Metabisulphite
Potassium Sorbate
Propyl-ρ-hydroxy Benzoate
Propyl Paraben
Sodium Acetate
Sodium Benzoate
Sodium Bisulphite 3
Sodium Diacetate
Sodium Lactate
Sodium Metabisulphite
Sodium Salt of Methyl-ρ-hydroxy Benzoic Acid
Sodium Salt of Propyl-ρ-hydroxy Benzoic Acid
Sodium Sorbate
Sodium Sulphite
Sodium Dithionite
Sorbic Acid
Sulphurous Acid 4
Calcium Propionate
Propionic Acid
Sodium Diacetate
Sodium Propionate
Ascorbyl Palmitate
Ascorbyl Stearate*
Butylated Hydro- xyanisole (a mixture of 2-tertiarybutyl-4-
hydroxyanisole and 3-tertiarybutyl-4- hydroxyanisole)
Butylated Hydroxytoluene (3,5-ditertiarybutyl-4-hydroxytoluene) 5
Citric Acid
Citric Acid Esters of Mono- and Diglycerides*
L-Cysteine Hydrochloride
Gum Guaiacum
Lecithin Citrate
Monoglyceride Citrate
Monoisopropyl Citrate
Propyl Gallate
Sodium metabisulphite
Tertiary Butyl Hydroquinone
Tocopherols (alpha-tocopherol; tocopherols concentrate, mixed)

81 63 144

Feed is a human chauvinist term for food given to slaughter bound animals

*caffeine in items such as beef jerky
http: //www.consumerreports.org/cro/magazine-archive/2011/october/food/caffeine/overview/index.htm

Why I Don't Eat Meat by Owen Parrett MD author of Diseases Of Food Animals
https: //www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2013/06/510447.html
Animals buried alive in S. Korea
http: //www.vegan.com/blog/millions-of-animals-buried-alive-in-south-korea/

10% of US pig population dies of disease in 1 year
http: //articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/06/17/factory-farming-ped-virus.aspx

Arsenic in chickens' flesh
http: //www.globalresearch.ca/fda-finally-admits-chicken-meat-contains-cancer-causing-arsenic/5353189

MSG Monosoidum glutamate http: //msgtruth.org

http: //www.fieldandstream.com/articles/health-fitness/2010/10/your-game-meat-safe-eat
'Once you’ve killed a game animal, examine the outside for sunken eyes or emaciation, scabby skin, tick

infestations, or discharges of dark blood or creamy or green substances from orifices. Previously wounded animals

may have maggot infestations or abscesses. Use your nose. Decaying flesh and gangrene emit a putrid odor.'

FDA quietly allows increased dosages of radiation in meats

http: //www.naturalnews.com/038255_radiation_meats_FDA.html

FDA approves bacteriophages to be added to meat

http: //www.foodnavigator-usa.com/Suppliers2/FDA-approves-viruses-as-food-additive-for-meats

Tetanus in meat

https: //books.google.com/books? id=ruHNAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA226&lpg=PA226&dq=preservatives+in+animal+flesh&source=bl&ots=4qXNoINT-Q&sig=Z4hho5ynUIRsHn1y01lCVqurt_c&hl=en&sa=X&ei=m9lxVfqCJZexyATwu4KoBA&ved=0CC0Q6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=preservatives%20in%20animal%20flesh&f=false

Dozens of Canadian approved preservatives

http: //www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/securit/addit/list/11-preserv-conserv-eng.php

Avian flu in India

http: //www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3044099/India-orders-slaughter-250-000-poultry-outbreak-killer-bird-flu-strain-farms.html

harm of animal derived magnesium stearate http: //articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/06/23/whole-food-supplement-dangers.aspx

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Zz Toxins In Cow And/Or Pig, Sheep, Bird, Fish Flesh, And/Or Animal Products
Friday, June 5, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: animals,death,disease,food
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