You Have No Control Of Others, Only Yourself Poem by LaSoaphia QuXazs

You Have No Control Of Others, Only Yourself

Life is strange to those who don't know
Many go thru life as it comes with bliss or woe.
Looking always for good luck and foolish pleasures,
Knowing not that the uncontrolled mind
Can bring up bad luck or secret treasures.
If one listens for just any teachings of mankind
Specially if ignores the law of the Spirit
One can go blind.
Will be hooked on every earthly traps:
Foods, drinks, drugs and all pleasures,
Only sickness & malediction comes to them
With uncontrolled measures.

Only hope in the best, with faith in goodness,
Believing that everything works for true success,
No matter what happens, don't get angry, just call it 'good'
If you can believe, sooner of later it turns into good,
So, the law you really understood.
As it was said long ago, you have no control of others,
You have only yourself to blame or praise for anything happens.
With everything you become stronger and wiser,
If you only keep peace, goodwill, patience
And wait for your redeemer.

When you understand the law of Life,
You'll have everlasting peace, health and no more strife.
Going through life flexible as a palm tree
Happily learning the lessons and forever be free.
The secret of life is true humbleness,
Instead of dictatorship, apply only kindness.
Then the light will shine on you, everything will be supplied,
Only you loose the ego and the will, & you'll be satisfied.

When you became aware of the truth a lovely day,
That life is a school where we are like cars on the highway.
We all have a different destination,
Nobody is first, nobody is last
The lesson is up to your perception.
After you work out anger, hatred, jealousy
Frustration and envy,
Not to mention gluttony is another unnecessary thing
In the potpourri.
Then understanding comes with true happiness,
The road of life become the rainbow,
Traveling will be like weightlessness.

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LaSoaphia QuXazs

LaSoaphia QuXazs

Budapest, Hungary, living in the USA
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