You Confirm Me Poem by Pia Andersson

You Confirm Me

Rating: 4.8

With your words
you impregnate me.
Your letters are still
inside my womb.
In the darkness,
you confirm me
with your name.
I will give birth
to our love.

William Jackson 10 September 2006

Another gem of a poem with wisdom on the power of words and the fruit they bear.

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Shane Markie 02 October 2006

Out of words come love, and out of love comes poetry. Shane

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Dr.Subhendu Kar 02 October 2006

Hi, Pia it is really woundeful poem where i am enamoured by the art of articulating simple words justifying the aesthetics in texture of poem, really marvellous which commands nothing but highest voting rate,

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Asma Bahrainwala 06 October 2006

an excellent poem! ... brief yet loaded... nice write, pia.. regards... asma...

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Frank Bana 12 November 2006

Pia - like all your poems - how beautiful, how true... Timeless in time, the way you write. Frank

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Simone Inez Harriman 03 November 2015

A profound creative write. Loving your pen....10

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Menime Soul..'d' Ugliloner 28 December 2009

Truly and thoroughly amazing :)

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Akram Awadat 07 December 2009

wow nice and beautiful poem well done

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Jonathan Horwitz 02 September 2009

Hello Across Time and Space Dear Pia! I can't believe I didn't comment on this poem before. Shattering in its power and intensity. I hope the one you wrote it for is deserving of you and your Love. I hope you are still writing. The gift of your poetry stays with me. Hilsingar från Hallandsåsen. All Blessings, Love, Jonathan

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Luis Gil 08 December 2008

Poetry is life indeed, a miracle..... Love, Luis.

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