Wonder Poem by Kai Ford


Do you ever wonder?
Did you?
Wonder how our life would've been?
I wonder where we'd get married & if he'd be faithful?
Would he finally mature& choose to respect me as more than just a girl?
How healthy would our sex life be&would it be enough to keep him satisfied forever?
Would I be welcomed to bring new ideas& positions to the bedroom to keep it fresh?
I wonder...

How would he treat me during the first pregnancy? Caring? Supportive? Loving?
I'd be carrying his seed but how important would that be to him?
Would he complain if I'd ask him to get me some Coldstones&dill pickles at 1am?
How often would he compliment my fat butt &roll his eyes if I'm sensitive because of hormones?
Would everyone be able to see his excitement about being a dad?
I wonder...

What gender will our children would be?
Would they have those lovely baby browns of yours or that bright Stennis smile?
I assume they'd be some talented little clowns seeing the lineage of silliness on both sides
Would our daughter be stuck at your hip but have you around her finger?
How many would be silly&busy like me?
Would our little boy be a preacher like his father&grandfathers?
I wonder...

What kind of stories would we have about their shenanigans?
How much would you strive to always be a great husband, father&friend?
How tight would you hug the kids before they head to school?
Would you always find time to reinforce your love to me thruout the years?
How excited&sad would we be to send them off to college? Or see them get married?
How would you look at me as time weathers me?
I wonder...

Would we move into an old folks home together?
Would you try & steal my fruity Jello?
Would we reminisce on moments like this, then?
How important would our daily walks in the park be to you by then?
How tight would you hold my hand if you knew I was slipping into my transition?
Would you want to come too so you're not without me?
I wonder...

Kai Ford

Kai Ford

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