Why Write? Poem by Cunningham Mbati

Why Write?

Sometimes it feels good to write
read and make your senses right
I write to keep myself busy
No matter how much I can feel dizzy

Coming up with words that work
makes me be challenged
it takes out my loneliness
and structure me to usefulness

Writing gives me strong words to tell emotions
which will be well received rather than if I spoke
It gives me a sense of belonging to the world of talkative
and a reason to look at nature and smile about why I write

It makes me think of how unfair the world can BE
and how friends and family can turn to be enemies
how the world can betray you
And how you will be once you die and forget about everything

Sometimes it's like a comedy
when people laugh at you when you mumble words alone
stare in the air as if it will give you words
pluck my hair and eat finger nails

I write for it's like something, that is inborn
you feel no good if nothing is on paper
my handwriting demoralizes me
but that can't stop me

I like to look at things at a different angle
that I cannot explain
so I write to make it clear
and understandable

writing is a lifestyle that lives with writers who write to be alright.

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