Who Is God? Poem by Justin Reamer

Who Is God?

A man sat down
On his porch,
As he came home from work,
After his long walk
From the factory he worked in.

His feet ached,
And he let out a huge sigh,
And said,
'I am back,
And my feet are aching,
But I am back with my family again.'

His son came out of the backyard,
And ran over to him,
Seeing that his father was home;
He ran up to him and shouted,
'Daddy, you're home!
I am so glad to see you!
How was your
Day at work,
How was it? '

The man smiled at his son
And said,
'Work was great today, son,
And I am a little tired,
For I have been working for quite awhile,
But all is well for me.'

'Why are you tired,
Daddy? ' his son asked,
'How can you possibly
Be tired when you
Just got home? '

'Well, when you grow up, '
His father said,
'You get tired from exercise
Just as you get tired
At night when it is
Time for bed.'

'Oh, that works, '
His son said,
'So, Daddy, can I ask
You something? '

'Yes, son, ' he said,
'You may ask me
Anything you want.'

'I was in Sunday school
And they were talking about someone
Named God.
Do you know God, Daddy? '

'Yes, I do know God, sonny,
I know Him quite well, ' the
Father said, smiling.

'What is He like,
Is He a big grown man,
Big and tall,
Like you, Daddy?
Or is He a giant,
Something like the BFG,
Or is He short and fat?
What does He look like? '

'Sonny, ' the father laughed,
'I don't know what God looks like,
For I have not seen Him.'

'But you said you knew Him...'

'Yes, I know Him,
But you see, sonny,
God is not a human,
But something greater
Than that.'

'What do you mean,
Daddy? How is He something
Greater than that? '

'He is not someone you see
Every day on the street
Like Roger the Milkman,
Or Frank the Dumpman,
Or our neighbour Joe Willey,
Or your best friend Johnny Cloud.
You see, God is not a human,
But He is something greater than that,
For He is someone you know so well,
That you do not have to see Him
To know Him.'

'Then who is God, Daddy? '

'Well, Sonny, God is the creator
Of everything.
He created the Sun,
The Stars,
This World,
And the Whole universe.
He created all the planets,
And the sky,
The oceans and the lakes,
The trees,
The animals,
And even us.
He is the Creator,
And He is the Lord of the Universe.'

'Wow, Daddy,
That is amazing.
But does God love us, though? '

'Yes, He loves us very much,
He loves us more than anything in the world.'

'That is awesome, Daddy,
But why does He love us? '

'He made us, sonny,
So that is why He loves us,
For we are His own creation,
And that is why He loves us,
Because He is our Father in Heaven.'

'Wow, Daddy,
That is really cool.'

'Yes, indeed, ' his father said,
'God is definitely amazing,
Especially in His own way.'

'Hey, Daddy? '

'Yes, son? '

'I am getting kind of hungry, ' his son said,
'Can we go inside and get a bite to eat? '

The father smiled and said,
'Yes, sonny,
We can get a bite to eat.
And, did you know that God
Was the one who gave us food to eat? '

'Really? Wow! That's cool.'

'Mmm-hmm! That is true!
He gave us all the food
In the world to eat,
So hence we should
Thank Him for it.'

'I'll do that, Daddy.
I'll do that.'

The father smiled,
'All right, sonny, '
He said, 'You do that.'

So the father took his son
By the hand
And brought him inside the house
Where they ate a great dinner.

The family never forgot God,
And the son always remembered
Who God was
And gave Him thanks for the rest
Of his life.

The son grew older
And grew to be devout to the Lord,
And gave God thanks for everything
He did for him.
The son, as he became a father,
Taught his son about God
The way his father had taught him,
And the generations continued,
And the tradition followed throughout the family
For generations.

The son lived to be successful
Due to the Lord's Will,
And he expressed his gratitude until
The day he died,
Where he met the Lord in Heaven
To this day.

This poem was inspired by a family that I met long ago. They were so devout in their faith that it amazed me. The father taught his son about God just like the father did in this poem. I was amazed to see a family so close together in their faith and so devoted to God; it made me happy. This poem is dedicated to the father who taught his son about God and the son who still lives with God to this day.
Justin Reamer

Justin Reamer

Holland, Michigan
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