Wedding Chant / Oratie De Nunta Poem by Magdalena Biela

Wedding Chant / Oratie De Nunta

Infloriti, flori, infloriti
ca mie nu-mi trebuiti,
ca voi cand imboboceati
mie-atunci imi trebuiati!
Infloriti, flori, infloriti!
Infloriti flori, stati parete
ca eu mi-am iesit din fete!
Plangeti ochi si lacrimati
ca voi sunteti vinovati
ca ce iubiti nu lasati
si ce vedeti nu uitati!
Cat sunt tineri se jucara
doi cu doi nu se luara.
Cat sunt tineri se iubira
doi cu doi nu se-ntalnira.
Foaie verde foaie lata
cand eram la maica fata
stiam floarea cum se poarta.
Of, foita de susai
dupa ce ma maritai
dupa usa-o aruncai.

Blossom, flowers, blossom roar!
I don't need you anymore,
only when your buds were new
then I would have needed you.
Blossom, flowers, blossom roar!
Blossom, flowers, like a wall
my hair girl covered by shawl!
Cry my eyes, be dried by tears
for the guilt is only yours
what you love to keep you swore,
what you see, forget no more.
While young only game allows
two and two did not take vows.
While young love was just a bet
two and two have never met.
Greenly leaflet, leafy purl,
when I was my mother's girl,
I knew flower how to twirl.
Oh, magic sesame leaf,
after marriage disbelief,
I ditched you at door with grief.

Wedding Chant / Oratie De Nunta
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