We Fight But We Will Still Be Poem by LOUIS SHEFFIELD

We Fight But We Will Still Be

Somedays we fight and everything don't be alright.
Somethings i say and you get upset. some things i say but i don't mean it that way. We been fighting alot lately. That why sometimes i back off to clam down so i won't say anything to hurt you. Even thought we fight i still love you. sometime we just need our space so we won't fight but it give us time to clam down. it gives us time to think. I really hate fighting with you. that why sometimes i just keep my mouth shut or just say i don't want to talk now and leave. when i leave it doesn't mean i leaving ya for good. it mean i need time to think. I still love you that why i still with you. we grown alot in this relationship and that why i not giving up on it. yes it is hard and we have our troubles and stuggles. i know we can make it thought. all we need to do is watch what we say and everything will be ok. so yes i still love you and we will make it thought yes me and you.

by, panda bear

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