Under Poem by imani halley


The English settlers believed their civilization was more superior than any other.
Tobacco became the American crop cultivated in Turkey
John Rolfe planted seeds far superior than the strain grown in Virginia
Virginia began to export 1.5 million pounds by the late 1620's
Tobacco drained the fertile land quickly and the farmers had to expand their land
March 22,1622 Opechancanough launched a war attack against Jamestown killing 347 colonists
Settlers repeatedly attacked Opechancanough's villages
A peace treaty was signed in 1632, but was broken in 1644 by Opechancanough as he assaulted the English one last time
In 1646, the survivors of Powhatan Confederacy gave themselves to England
The assault in 1622 that failed to destroy the colony did destroy the Virginia Company
they began to lose to much money
Before being brought down the company made two policies: Headright and another for landowning men
Headright was if someone paying his or her own way was promised a land grant of similar headrights
The other is for landowning men to elect representatives to the House of Burgesses
Tobacco became quickly important in the second English colony
George Calvert (first Lord Baltimore) settles it in 1634
Cecilius Calvert (second Lord Baltimore) was first colonizer to offer freedom of religion to all Christian settlers
Maryland's Act of Religious Toleration codified his policy in 1649
By 1650 about 300 blacks lived in Virginia
Chesapeake tobacco farmers looked to England to give them their labor needs
Because of headright system a tobacco farmer could get both land and labor from England
You could immigrate to America as indentured servant to work from four to seven years then be free
75 to 85% of 130,000 were indentured service
Servants who fulfill their work earn freedom dues which is clothes, tools, livestock, corn, and tobacco and sometimes land.
servants typically worked 6 days a week 10 to 14 hours a day in a climate warmer than England's
Servants usually dealt with diseases like malaria, dysentery, and typhoid fever during their first Chesapeake summer
Former servant often became independent farmers (freeholders)
In 1670 tobacco began to stagnate and decline
In 1681 Maryland dropped the legal requirement that servants receive land for years as wage.
By 1700 the Chesapeake was not the land of opportunity it once was
Only detailed census of Virginia was in 1625
Chesapeake families were small, few, and short-lived
In one Virginia county three quarters of children lost at least one parent by the time they were either married or 21
Most of Virginia's House of Burgesses and Maryland's House of Delegates (est.1635) were immigrants

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