Torture Me No More Poem by Omar Osman Jabak

Torture Me No More

Rating: 2.0

Near my longing heart she lives,
I can't be safe ere love she gives,
When I want to be closely near her,
When I advance in both her love and care,
And when the stars watch us here and there,
And when the moon hugs us both me and her,
Then, she, in my sleep, becomes a nightmare,
That would bring misery, pain and despair,
Honey, restore love to me and thee,
For only your love that can really be,
My pulse from birth to death. Just see! !
You are every pulse my heart needs,
You are every brook of love and seeds.

* * * * * * * * * * * *
Let cowards cast aspersions on our love,
Let tale-tellers sustain and prove,
Let slanderers gossip against our love,
Let all know that each other we love,
For does it disturb them to be in love?
Or is it forbidden to have a baby like a dove?
All people shall know my love for thee is deep,
And only love of thee I swear to keep.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Love cures all our deep sorrows,
It makes lovers lovely sparrows,
Love is only felt, and made of souls,
It never spoils folks or them appalls,
It only lifts them to the seventh Heaven,
Where faith, loyalty and salvation are given,
Love overwhelms all atoms of the heart,
It strikes us all with a crazy start,
Then we begin to follow its departures,
That would reach not only man but all creatures

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Love does not change, nor does it disappear,
It's like sunbeams that sink, and then appear,

Love does not torture us,
But the one we love does,

Omar Osman Jabak

Chinedu Dike 28 May 2021

Well expressed thoughts and feelings in verse with rhythmic splendour. Very heartfelt with strong emotions.

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Blue Eyes 16 August 2008

it hurts the most when the one u love wrongs u. i cannot imagine a better way to say that than the way u did. about the idea that love does not hurt people but lovers do, well, i don`t think we agree on this cuz when most of lovers hurt each other by betraial or any kind of harm, then love is responsible for it. when u punch a guy with ur hand, can u say its not my fault its my hand`s? actions have cosequences and the outcome of love is hurt.''tareq''

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John Tiong Chunghoo 08 June 2006

it should never be the person we do not like. it should always be his or her action. everyman has his weak point. zoom in on the acts. that's what love is. to prove yourself to the one you love.

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JJ Rocks 08 June 2006

Your words speak the truth. Beautifully written.

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