They Say Death Is Good Poem by Nero CaroZiv

They Say Death Is Good

They say death is good; not terrifying enterprise no matter where one shall lie
In some deserted grave or high visible place; I cannot tell why,
But I should be terrified to be eternally put to sleep in some neglected spot
Unknown to every one, without any mark to the world; by every one forgot.

Let me count the beneficial of death; one can taste with owns dead breath
The utter lack of life, the fullest sense of the kingdom of death;
And one should never ever hear a note of jealousy, vile conspiracy or foul hate,
Nor the sympathy and pity tribute paid by passersby to tomb of one's state.

Some even hastily take to death, leaving behind mourners with prayers and tears
Who assume futilely that death brings torture to dead and dying ears;
Who is the fool that lies and annihilates one's own dead heart bless
Of oblivion? the shroud and envelope of nothing; a world with no grace

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